Football sunday whos smoking and cooking today?

The Jets are gonna beat the Niners tonight let’s go fuck the Niners lol


Just some plants, im always growing a few plants man.

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@Cummings420 coming in hot lmao. It’s ok after the jets get beat you can be a 49er fan.

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No way ever I’d be a niner fan lol I just hoping for a good game no blowout I’m waiting to see what old man Rodgers can still do

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Just a few plants lol I got 2 have no idea what they are except sativa lol got few seeds from a friend of a friend lol at least I know what I got coming in my next go lol got some WW AFGHAN N RED DELICIOUS

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I have 4 red beard mix fems in veg. 3 kiss kannabia almost ready to chop, then two indianna Bubblegum and a 4 kingdoms fem getting chopped on the same day. And 4 fritter moms. And 2 mac1 moms. Also more seeds getting popped at the end of the week.
Also 2 unknown kannabia fems in veg.


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Oh damn that’s bad ass I only got 2 at the moment is it ALOT work when u got like 10-20 plants to do that’s awesome ur about to chop man congrats on ur grow

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Heck definitely sounds like it gonna be a good grow coming for ya ya I was gonna throw like 10 outdoor out at my parents they got some acreage

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Thanks man. Its all work but bud is essential. I usually only run for bud. And im med. So is my wife. So we have a provider running as well.

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I’m down by Olympia was just wondering where ur at in Washington lol anywho have a good day bud

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Up by canadia! Thanks bud have a good day!

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What’s up everyone, @Cummings420 do you want to talk about last night? :laughing: the old man don’t have any run left in the old legs.

Ya Rodgers is done he will be retiring this yr shit maybe halfway thru the season lol Niners looked good as they have past couple years hopefully u guys get a ring cause u guys got some players who want PAID :money_mouth_face: :moneybag: GIMME MY MONEY :moneybag::money_mouth_face:

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it’s fuckin game day HAWK fans let’s go gonna be 2-0 an the NINERS are gonna lose today also this yr the Niners ain’t gonna sweep us we will go 1-1 an meet in the playoffs

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Fuck ya hawks we won woot

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Yes we did was an early game I missed it but hell ya we won GO HAWKS

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Hell ya in ot!

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Tuned in just in time to see the Browns win today? That was a surprise :laughing:

Vaping on some Prayer Pupil with the KC game on. Tried to watch the Steelers but that’s not available in our area today

Was hoping to watch RUSS beat the BRONCOS LOL

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