Foreigner gets a Pedicure

Bubble is pretty much all I smoke, often in the middle of the night. Which is funny because I’ve got all the flower and dry sift a man could ask for.

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Yep I have 30 some jars of flower, a container of dry sift, but always end up with the bubble in my pipe. Most times topped with rosin.

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I smoked an infused joint at a party a few days ago but other than that I can’t recall the last time I smoked a joint.

My roomie smoke all day, I may take a hit or two now and then but other then that I rarely smoke flower anymore.

I have rosin too but never double up with the bubble. It’s one or the other.

If I went to social events more often I’m sure I’d hit more joints but I don’t.

I have to make more bubble in the coming week, I am down to about 3 oz’s. I have 3 lbs of bud ready to go in the freezer. But I used my paint stirrer to stir paint of all things so have to go buy a new one.


I am out. I had to buy some.

My priority is flower for Mrs Foreigner and second priority is bubble for me. I usually need to save up trim/smalls from a couple runs. I only run a 2x4

I have never in my life bought bubble. Only hash I ever bought was in Italy.

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It really varies in quality. Like a lot. Like this one looks perfect. But catches fire.

That would suck……. I like to know what to expect from a product.

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Yes it’s really hit and miss. It’s not terrible, just not great. The brick hash is more consistent.

But we’re dealing with the government up here so what can you do?

Canada …. Yes I can see how that could be problematic. At least it’s not the US, if they were involved in anything here I wouldn’t have anything to do with it.

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“Dear government I wish to complain.”

I guess I should be amazed it’s legal at all.
Not the same as running from the cops because you had two joints in your pocket days.


Yep, I know those days all to well.
Still like that here in some states. We are a nation of idiots run by the insane……


I’ll still never shake the paranoia. Helicopters make me cringe.


They fly over my house daily, cringe isn’t the right word. Makes me want to hide!

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Luckily I am on the flight path so it’s not like they are checking me out. Hell I have plants in the ground in my back yard.

One bad experience with a helicopter has ruined them all for me.

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We can have 24 plants here with the two of us with med cards. 12 in flower 12 in veg. Size doesn’t matter and I am within my limits so let ‘em come….

I already went to prison for cultivation so can’t risk getting in trouble again. Here they have 3 strike states. Life imprisonment isn’t in the cards.