Foreigner Remains Legal

18 what? 18" feet? Oh, the poor chiropodist!

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Yeah but they walk really fast

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But how do they run?


Really fast


Way late and out if place but when Truedeaux got his jab it showed off his SMASHMOUTH tattoo :rofl:. I mean ive done some embarrising shit but a smashmouth tattoo! Nough said.


You need to find some different guys to hangout with. 🫣

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It takes a real man to compliment another man’s feet. You have to have the eye for detail, an understanding of anatomy, a willingness to check your ego, and a desire to look at my disgusting feet.


Did you get your nicotene shipment?

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I did yes. I got a new vape mod/tank, a bunch of disposables for Mrs Foreigner. The huge bottles of nicotine are on the way. It’s been a pain finding them recently.


Im going to sleep. See you guys in the morning. Kiwis for breakfast ! Wooo Hoooo !!!


There is a place in BC that could ship it to you.

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I ended up using one from Alberta.

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Good morning ! So as a new day dawns we are forced to ask , yet once again, has @Foreigner remained legal? :clown_face:

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this only the kiwis know!!! good morning @Magu !! :slight_smile:

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Good morning @m0sirys . I guess @Foreigner is still in bed sleeping off his kiwi hangover. Did you see the picture if his monkey feet? Its terrible what a kiwi addiction can do to a person. Even a @Foreigner . :woozy_face:

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hmm I still have 9 pictures left in his calendar. So there are still a few surprises left that we calender holders can look forward to!

@Foreigner how about a kiwi calendar after the pole dance version? If he makes a calendar with kiwis it will be a hit! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Damn it ! Outta :heart:s.

don´t worry me too! itś sometimes really strange, how fast this “likes” can melt away! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

i think when everybody is getting up i might have a couple likes back,

till than take some of these :heart: :heart: :heart:

I hope @Foreigner didnt overdose on his nicotene shipment. They say nicotene brings out the sublime in kiwis. :kiwi_fruit:

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morning foreigner but did you try runing it in an empty bucket andcalculate time it takes to go empty

so lets say one can play with it until its set close to desired driping rate and in an empty 5gal bucket you risk less