Foreigner Remains Legal

“Somebody once told him, the world is gonna roll him, so he got this stupid tattoo instead.”

:rofl: :fist_right: :kiss:


I did yeah. The mechanism is a joke and moves on its own when it feels like it. It worked out but could easily have just dumped all at once.

They were very cheap.

Did he go to school with Mathew perry from “Friends” ?

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So I’ve got a problem.

This grow is going to be disrupted by travel. Again.

I’m leaving for Mexico City at the beginning of June and my sprouts are still just tiny little babies:

This does not give me much time. I thought I’d be able to get a full huge bud run out of this but that’s not going to happen now.

So, best course of action I can think of right now is veg them for 2 weeks and then flip. That gives me 8 weeks of flowering time.

But I’m running 10 weekers so there are still challenges. Maybe I’ll put them in window light with improper light schedule for a week. It worked last time.

I know I know boohoo you have to go to Mexico but I had this whole thing planned and operational and then the thing pivots on me.

I guess I’ll end up with tiny nugs on sticks but that might be the best I can manage this time…



Just flip now dude it’ll work out. :hugs:


Yeah I might go that route too. This news is new to me so I haven’t figured out all the particulars yet.


Damn RICH @Foreigner s traveling all over the world with absolutely no regard for the welfare of their little ones. :seedling:


You lucky bastard you!


It’s a week. But it’s for a wedding which will probably be two days so that still gives us lots of time to explore. Capitol cities are very interesting.

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go here!

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That’s pretty cool. It’s about an hour from where we’ll be staying but it’s going to be a relatively short trip so I don’t know what we’re going to focus on yet.

Gastro tourism?

I don’t know. I’ll have a better handle on it in a few days.

The description on google maps is pretty funny.


I’ve watched so many things about that place its fuct, but cool as hell at the same time lol





Supposedly we’re staying right beside the 9th best restaurant in the world but there’s not a chance in hell I’m going there.


Ya me neither, 9th come on ! Were more like a 1st or Second best, even bronze but 9th :man_facepalming:t2: I’m not slumming it like that !


More like the meal costs more than the flight :joy:

Apparently Mexico City is over represented by fantastic restaurants. But I think I’ll go for the street food and churros.


The Bodhisattva Flaneur strikes again!:man_facepalming:

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Try and get them as close to finish as you can and let the pots completely dry out before you leave…then cut the lights the day you leave…let them die and dry in the dark. But it’s all about timing…and you gotta do whatchaya gotta do

Lol…and def flip now

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I kind of wish I knew a bit earlier because then I could have used some breeding stock and called it a seed run but if I do that this time it’s just poly poly poly.

We will have to play it by ear for now.

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Make a reservation, go in, only order a pot of coffee. :+1: