Foreigner Remains Legal

It’s $500 just to sit.

US dollars.

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Holy shit! :flushed:


Then do this with the coffee:


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I know right? It’s like a 12 course prix fixe kind of place not an a la carte.


I think Scott Bakula is one of the best actors around. His work on Quantum leap and NCIS:New Orleans!

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I would buy a tray that holds a couple of gallons of water, but only comes up about a third of the way on the tubs. They’re small enough that they shouldn’t drown, and they can drink as they please. Just a thought.


You don’t want to know how much it is to walk to a table, particularly one on the far side of the room! :wink:

If it’s that good a restaurant, it wouldn’t surprise me if reservations were simply not available on such short notice. They could easily be booked up for the next couple of months. Mexico City is quite the gastronomy destination.


Yeah I did something like this last time and it worked perfect. The real issue is I’m not comfortable running my gear while I’m away so I either shut it down as suggested or use window light.


So i guess the big pot isn’t taking the smaller pots for a walk anymore :disappointed:


Yeah, I’m going away for a week or so this coming Sunday. Even though my plants barely qualify as seedlings, I’m so worried. I don’t want Mrs mota burdened with that responsibility, even though she gladly took it on. Look in on them and water as needed. Pretty easy, but still I hate to put it on her. Sigh…

Of course, you’re indoor, so that’s a huge difference.


It does make a difference but the challenges are the same. I’d be hesitant to leave very young seedlings too.

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How I make my dog happy:


:wink: ten char

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I would be scared to death that It would start a fire! :cold_sweat:


Yeah. Mostly I wouldn’t be able to relax which defeats the whole point of getting away.

It would probably be fine it just stresses me out and growing is supposed to be fun.


That is why I never grew pot inside when it was illegal. I was afraid It would start a fire and then the law would find my plants. I still mostly grow outside during summer. 🫣

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A fire could start when I’m at the grocery store and the end result would be the same. Bad.

I’m not so much worried about catastrophic failure as I do get occasionally paranoid about it.


So the plants germinated in coffee are all coming up. I decided to save one. This one:

So I took a spoon and dug it up and put it in another pot:

Did I save one plant? Did I kill two plants? We will see


You’re a germinated in coffee!


(I’m sooo tired…)


Yeah man. Time change I imagine has something to do with it.

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