No but I finally cleaned my bubble bags
Well looks like I’m hitting my SSDD temple ball today!
There’s still some left?
Looks beauty. How longs it been sitting?
Yeah I smoke only little pieces at a time.
I dunno exactly. A month? Maybe 2? It’s pretty nice stuff.
Are you making hooch ? Once I made some homemade wine. The stuff tasted like shit but it would “put your dick in the dirt.”
No the cups all have holes in the bottom.
And I’ve made some very fine wine in my day.
“And he always had some mighty fine wine.
Singin, Joy to the world.”
Happy to see u growing again @Foreigner !!!
The whole enterprise might be ill advised but I’m doing it anyway
1% milk? That means in your 2 litres you actually had 20ml of milk and 1.88L of water - talk about rip off - hope it was free!!!
Finalement: I have bags of 2%
Wish my shower looked this good
It was a fucking mess before I cleaned it out
The holy gourd - or is it sandal - anyway 2% isn’t milk - it barely has seen a cow