Forum technical question - How to follow / watch Friends?

Did you mute a moderator?

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No a vendor…who knows though prob have mod rights I guess. That makes sense then. Thank you for the reply🍻

Sadly OG is still on discourse version 2.7.0 beta 3 :eyes:


i saw that when i looked it up the first time. i think it costs money to upgrade these things so we’ll probably just have to make do with whatever we can cobble together on our own. i have one i’m working on but it needs tweaked.


The Discourse software is free, but I think there’s issues with custom plugins being used hindering upgrading :thinking: There was a thread talking about it a year or two back.


that makes more sense. i wonder if they would upgrade if we could fix the plugins and make them work? but as long as there’s not any major security issues, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it i guess.

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I mean… There’s 55 CVE’s on version 2.7.0 beta3

I’d hope it’d get updated real soon here. 2.7.0 beta 3 was released in January of 2021


Discourse Follow allows users to follow other users, list the latest topics involving them, and receive notifications when they post.

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Yeah but that would take LJ to actually add it to the site. Unsure if it’s even compatible with the current 2.7.0b3 version OG is running on.

We’re working on a user script that will do the same thing in the meantime.



This is what I got so far but still working on it. There’s also a chance the forum just straight cuts us off from doing too many requests at once. I’m currently trying to add a way to deal with multiple updates too.


Implementing a standard feature yourself because the version of the forum software is too old to have it the regular way is not the right way to go. :crazy_face:

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yeah but i’m bored at work today :joy:


I think it’s cool if it’s a personal tool that doesn’t affect how others use the site :man_shrugging:


Sure, but that is not really what I am criticising here. :slight_smile:

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I guess I just don’t understand why any criticism is necessary or useful here. Someone build themselves a tool that helps them use the site in a flow that they want. It’s basically an accessibility feature. It affects no one else and is actually a benefit to someone. So what is there to criticize? :thinking:

This website is the easiest to navigate once I figured it out. I am able to find basically anything within 30 seconds. It also is really smooth and responsive on PC and iOS. Compare this to something like breedbay or icmag and were talking a substantial difference in navigation and time saving. Why create solutions to problems that don’t even exist? We can bookmark users threads/posts and see their activity. I dont understand what else is necessary.

I go to user > activity > topics and if I want to “follow” all of them then I can bookmark that page. I could make a bookmarks folder with users topics pages that I like inside of it. Specific posts can be bookmarked directly onsite instead of browser also.

Set it as my homepage if I wanted. I do not.

There’s always a way.

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It would be ideal to have OG updated and fast and sleek with all the features. I’m sure there is a lot that happens that we aren’t aware of, so if it’s not possible to make big changes, putting together an LTI is bringing us all together


The need to build it because the software apparently has not been updated in 3.5 years. The software in its current version actually supports that feature.

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that doesn’t do what op wanted done. it doesn’t notify you when that user posts a comment like the scripts we’re working on does. when you find a way for the site to notify you when a user makes a post, then nothing else is necessary.

I would like to be able to but a Person “on watch”. I check out every new topic but, there are some people I would like to follow their post,

I was just double checking the other day to see f we could.

:green_heart: :seedling: