Supporters Only: Follow a Member

Follow a Member

Stay updated on posts and activity from your favorite users by following them.

We’ve listened to your feedback, and I’m excited to bring this highly requested feature to Overgrow.

:bulb: You need to be a Supporter to be able to Follow a Member.

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Now, when you visit a member’s profile, you’ll notice a new Follow button:


Additionally, you’ll see a new Follows tab in your profile:

In the Feed section, you’ll find all the posts from the members you follow. In the Following section, you’ll see a list of the members you’re currently following.

:mega: Notifications

Don’t forget to set your preferences for notifications in Preferences → Notifications

Adding a My Feed link to the sidebar

I’d also suggest adding a link to the Feed in the sidebar.

To do this, click the plus icon at the bottom of the sidebar.

A dialog box titled Add Custom Section will pop up. I added “Favorites” as the section title, then entered “My Feed” for the name and /my/follow/feed for the link (you can directly copy+paste it).

After that, just click Save.

The new link will appear in the sidebar, giving you quick access to your Feed of followed members.


I’m already using intensively the side bar, but this little option is dope ^^ thx


Dude! This is super helpful, thank you so much :metal:t2::metal:t2::metal:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


I bet you own a shirt that says “Action, not talk.”


What a nice feature. Congratz Joe.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: August Platform Upgrade Complete

Nice follows me guy’s :bangbang::sunglasses:

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Thats been a request by many, great addition @LemonadeJoe :+1:


This is so cool! There is a few members I will certainly use this feature on. Thanks @LemonadeJoe

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Any first observations or experiences? Is the follow feature working smoothly?


I tend to read all new posts, so I have not used this feature, but I can try it and get back to you if you like?


Thanks, feedback always helps!


From what I see its working well. Its giving me notifications for every post the user makes and they are clearly marked so I know it’s someone I am following. I know it’s a feature folks have been asking for and it looks like you gave them a functional tool that does exactly what they were looking for. Great job Joe. :clap:


I love it.

I like to follow interesting people, then read their posts and threads they post in. They always lead me right to the most interesting conversations

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Thank you for your review, @DougDawson and @AppalachianBiscuits !