Found thrip damage on a few leaves

Doesn’t look like pest damage IMO

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ok ty i thing i do that when i move them…

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Bioceres also works well maybe alternate biological sprays. Spinosad followed by bioceres.

Bioceres is Beauvaria based no heavy metal accumulation when applied at the proper rate. It’s OMRI certified too.


Agree, not bugs. I have that kind of damage occasionally.


@anon93244739 what course of action did you decide on? were you able to successfully eradicate the thrips?

The captain jacks deadbug from home depot. And the cannacontrol from mammoth p. I treated over a 4 day cycle. 2 days off, 1 day cannacontrol, 1 day deadbug. Gone in 3 treatments and haven’t been back. I totally soaked the plants down, until they dripped, right before lights out.

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nice that’s good to hear.
I might be seeing some mild thrips damage on my plants in veg after a grow helper got careless with his precautions to keep the indoor grow isolated from outdoor pest contamination.

I am about to do some treatments with the captain jacks deadbug and neem.

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