FourFour Outdoor - Bodhi, Dynasty, Lemon Tree, etc

Been growing for 6 years now, all outdoor in the PNW. This is my first grow journal.
I want to do better at keeping track of my grows and maybe improve on my growing strategy of “winging it”. I like the part about breaking rules like an artist, not so much the learning the rules like a pro part… haha.
I also want to document varieties that other people might be interested in. I’ve gotten a lot of value in reading grow journals / smoke reports and want to do the same.

I’ve used bottled nutrients in the past (Nectar of the Gods line), but I’m drifting towards full organic. Lot easier outdoors… It jives with me personally but to each their own. I’ve been dabbling with KNF and like to source my own compost/fertilizer/inputs.
I like to hunt/forage/grow my own food, so it just makes sense to me. This quote sums up what I’m striving for:

An ideal farm would be one which could produce everything it needs from within itself, such that there would be no need to bring in any outside materials, except perhaps in the case of a sickness affecting the entire farm."

I started most of my seeds in April.
We had some major work done on our house and I’ve been living with some older family members. Was planning on being back home in May, but as construction projects go… we’ll be back home soon.
I’ve had to keep everything in small pots. The people I’m living with are open minded but wouldn’t be comfortable with this number of plants if they were bigger and spread out all over their garden. Blessing in disguise because I can’t help but planting too many seeds haha, whether it’s peppers or cucumbers or cannabis.

I was waiting until I got everything in the ground before starting a journal but I know I’ll be busy moving and getting the garden in order, so without further ado here’s the lineup:

(2) Bodhi - Dream Beaver (Bought these from a dude on discord. Only got 2/12 viable seeds, but I would’ve been stoked for one. Fingers crossed for a male & female!)

(2) Bodhi - Dream Axis [Axis x SSDD] (also hoping for a male & female because I’ll likely be trading the rest of the pack)

(3) AK Bean Brains - Vintage Blueberry

(1) CSI Humboldt - Sour Bubba [Sour Diesel x Bubba Kush]

(3) Kush 4 x SSDD from @Kyumonryu
(4) Jack the Ripper from @ix3u
(4) BC Big Bud x Kryptonite from @THCeed via @sprinklememaynee

(3) Pineapple Pastures
(2) Blue Magoo bx3
(3) Lezbluerado
(2) Orange Cherries [Agent Orange x Ms. Universe]
(2) Platinum Socks [Platinum GSC x Sock Drawer Afghani]

My own crosses
(3) Obama Kush (Archive) x Blue Magoo bx3
(2) Blue Magoo bx3 f2
(6) [Oregon Skunk x African Power Plant] x Blue Magoo bx3 (the OS x APP line is from the first 2 plants I grew in 2018. The lineage is chock full of hermie parents but this is a personal project. I plan to grow & outcross / continue this line every year)

(3) Pot Farm (my aunt got some potting soil from a commercial outdoor farm and gave me 3 seedlings that sprouted from it)

I also popped a few seeds the other day, a lot later than I wanted, to (hopefully) finish in the greenhouse later this year:

RSC Nanda Devi
RSC Malawi
Ukufu from @LoveofLandrace

And a couple clones I bought after deciding not to bring any clones in this year (not pictured):

Lemon Tree from Archive
Chem ‘91

Final tally: uh… 4 plants :wink: haha

Won’t post a ton until we get later into the season, but wanted to get this thing started.

Peace & love


Wishing you nothing but success on your efforts. Take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nice lineup! :crossed_fingers:t2: for a dream beaver female for ya. Dynasty stuff should be sweet too.


Thanks y’all!
Yeah Blue Magoo was a favorite smoke from back in the early 2010s. I had a connection for that and Shiskaberry from some med growers - now I wish I would’ve grown back then and gotten cuts…
I found Professor P / Dynasty after searching for blue magoo for a few years - either clone or seed (before I was on the forums). He became my default favorite breeder just for working the blue magoo line and making it available, I know the cut is held tight.

Excited for the orange cherries too. Don’t know why, it was a freebie. Just got a feeling!


Yup. I count 4 plants too. :rofl: May the Universe bless you and your garden. :rainbow:


Back home! Nature has reclaimed my yard/garden haha.
It might be a bit before I get the weeds knocked down and have places to plant everything, so I decided to transplant everything to 1 gal. pots, except for the Lemon Tree and “Chem 91” which got planted in the soil.

I mixed up a batch of Coot’s mix. I don’t think I’ll use this recipe long-term but wanted to try it this year. I’m near the ocean and volcanoes which is nice for a lot of the inputs that I can’t get on my property. I don’t like the idea of relying on neem though. The whole world-shutting-down thing a few years ago made me want to try and source everything locally…

Also, worm castings are freaking expensive! I need to get my own worm bin going… There’s a local farm co-op that does a group buy for gardening inputs, so I got bags of a gypsum, oyster shell, basalt, and pumice for cheap at least.

I pulled my old Nikon D5000 out of storage. I want to take more pictures of the garden this year, and there’s a bunch of great photographers on OG that inspired me to take better photos. Here’s a few post-transplant:

Personal cross w/ 3 sets of leaves:

Blue Magoo bx3 f2:

Lemon Tree (Archive):

“Chem 91” hiding in the brush:

BC Big Bud x Kryptonite male that will soon be compost:


Getting into the back half of August - days are getting shorter, mornings and nights have a little more chill in the air. Growing up, this was always the worst time of year with school on the horizon. As a weed grower, it’s now one of my favorites haha.

I’m keeping track of dates and facts and boring stuff and what not in my journal:

Pics are from last season. I want to get one every year with pics of last year’s grow(s), but I only have like 4 pages filled haha. I’d have a lot of empty notebooks…

Anyway… back to this year and fun stuff, like pictures!
I decided to keep everything in their pots until they show sex, which sucks because all the plants are small, but I should have enough smoke to last me the year, and I’ll have a lot of variety, so that’s cool.

I think I’m most excited about a cross I made last year, but I’m biased - Obama Kush clone x Blue Magoo bx3.
Stout little plant, stem rub smells just like holy basil flowers.


Lemon Tree & ‘Chem 91’ clones are flowering (I’m using quotes on the Chem 91 because I bought this at a dispensary I’d never been to before. Seems legit but who knows). Lemon Tree is the farthest along out of anything and is getting frosty. I took cuttings of both. I’ve never grown indoor but I’m planning to in the near future.


‘Chem 91’ was not happy being in a tiny pot for so long, but it’s looking better now:


I took cuttings of the Dream Beaver and Dream Axis. I don’t know… The plants are so small and the cuttings are only a few inches long. I basically just topped them, much later than I’d like. We’ll see if they root. If not I’ll hope for a reveg.

Dream Beaver #2 and both Dream Axis:

None of them have shown sex yet and I’m almost tempted to put the dream beavers back in pots and bring them back inside. I might wait til they show sex, then bring inside under veg lighting.
But I also really want to smoke some dream beaver, even if I only get one nug haha. We’ll see… Everything else I have more seeds of, but this my only shot for the DB’s.


My favorite looking plants are the Kush4 x SSDD f2’s. They’re healthy and vigorous, not much smell, but they’re pretty.
Here’s #3:

I need to post more often, these updates are too long haha. Thanks for reading…


Sucks that that Power Plant hybrid didn’t make it haha. I’ve blazed that one before (it was called Pure Power Plant, but I’m assuming it’s the same as the African Power Plant) and it was very good weed.

Anyway, I like that you’re doing this sorta “short season” thing, always thought that that’s how I’d do it, too, if I could grow outdoors. I wanna grow in sunlight, I’m dying to grow in sunlight haha, but I don’t wanna have to process monster plants.

So, yeah, I’m here for it haha.


Everything is in the ground and ready to ride out the end of summer.

Dream Beaver #1 is the only plant yet to show sex. #2 is a confirmed male. Pray for me haha. I’ve been on my hands and knees looking for a pistil for the last few days…

Got a male & female Dream Axis which I’m excited about. I’m trading the rest of that pack so I’ll be making f2’s with these. I lied and these are still in pots so I can put them in a faraway corner to do their thing.

Definitely wasn’t the plan but I like it too! Ideally I’d have half as many plants that are twice the size, but I’ll be planting later in the future (if I can hold off on the excitement of planting seeds in early Spring haha).

They’re alive! I’ve only really been updating on the plants that interest me the most so far. I’ll show everything once they get deeper into flower. 4 were male but I have 2 little females, one green stem & one red stem like her daddy - here’s a pic from last week.

My plan with this line is to grow a few out every year and pollinate them with my favorite male from that season. Basically capturing a running history of all my outdoor grows in one seed line. Like a scrapbook of sorts. I’m sentimental.

I’m also planning to go back a generation, before the blue magoo outcross, and cross those to a South Africa landrace to try and get some of the Power Plant magic back.

Here’s the male I’m choosing this year (below). Pineapple Pastures from Dynasty (pineapple fields x exodus cheese bx1). *Side note: I got 4 females from 12 Dynasty plants (zero pineapple pastures :frowning: ) and 3 of them are from freebie packs that the only reason I grew them was to make my seed list smaller haha. Lame… Good advice I read the other day on here: “grow your favs”.

He has gnarly leaf serrations, and the pollen sacks are pointy which I’ve never seen. This breeding project is totally not serious and just for fun, so I get to select for things like pointy pollen sacks haha.


Lemon Tree is the first to get frosty. It smells so good, like lemon Starbursts and Fruit Loops.


Obama Kush x Blue Magoo bx3 (Obamagoo is the new name. Oba-magoo, not Obama-goo. That’s gross) is starting to smell more berry-y. The Obama Kush is pretty much bombproof. I grew it last year and it flowered, made seeds, I dug it up end of October and put it in a pot in my greenhouse, watered it once or twice, and it was alive until mid-January when we had a crazy storm that covered everything in ice for a week. I have a Obamagoo male that has the fattest pollen sack clusters out of a dozen or so different dudes, so I pollinated a branch because I can’t help myself haha.


Kush 4 x SSDD f2’s are still looking awesome. Starting to see some trichomes on the #2

Here’s to 8 more weeks of summer haha!


Oh! I thought you said you only ended up with four females in your initial post, didn’t see any pics of the Power Plant thing, but that’s cool.

Kinda like the original Haze was created, but with completely different genetics haha. Also cool.


:clap::clap::clap::clap: love this thread. Happy to see you posting and showing us your grow. Can’t wait for late season bud pics. Do you have issues with plants finishing in the PNW??


Ha, no that was just a joke about the legal plant limit. I have like 18 or something. The whole plant count is so dumb, because I could grow one single 2-pounder and end up with way more weed than I’ll get from all my little plants combined.

Thanks & welcome!! Botrytis can definitely be an issue on the fatter flowered plants up here, just gotta keep an eye on it. I’ve only lost one plant completely, but that was from caterpillars, not weather related. Haven’t grown a ton of different genetics before this season, though. So ask me again in a couple months haha.

That’s another direction/goal for my little breeding project. Creating a “backyard landrace” that’s adapted to my climate that could be used to outcross with other varieties that might not do well here. My seed line has 5 or so years now of environmental memory here in my yard. Will be cool to see where it’s at in another 5.

It’s fun doing a project focused on creating a breeding tool and not necessarily caring about the smoke. Takes a lot of pressure and disappointment off. I’m not hung up on any outcomes, just following a general direction and enjoying the ride. :v:


Oh, you fucking asshole! Haha. Good to know that the Power Plant thing is still growing, though. That sounds like the most interesting hybrid to me.

The plant limit thing… You know… Whatever haha. I always see these MASSIVE illegal grows getting busted on the news, multiple acres. I figure they’re not worried about me and my extra couple plants haha.


Now that you mention it I have only been posting updates on a few plants hahaha…!

I almost didn’t plant any this year for some reason. That line’s pretty much all I’ve grown over the years, so after I discovered the world of buying seeds online last Fall I was more excited to try out all these new packs. Glad you’re interested! The Power Plant is still my favorite plant I’ve grown. Here’s some pics from 2018. I don’t remember it but that trim job probably sucked haha.

Same. Plus with all the people in states where it’s still illegal, and all the people who’ve grown before me, it’s my duty to grow all these plants! Haha


There’s always some kind of trade-off haha. PITA to trim but awesome weed, easy trim but mediocre weed, whatever.

That’s a cool-looking plant, though.

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love your style . keep em coming.

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Dream Beaver #1. Pistil. Fuckin’ A! (You might have to squint to see it. I couldn’t get a pic with my camera so phone + magnifying glass was the best I could do)

To recap: I planted 4 seeds in April, got one to sprout. Decided to plant the rest, got one more. They survived in tiny pots for a few months. Got knocked off the shelf twice. I was not the man for this job haha but the universe wanted it to happen. I had that inner voice telling me to plant the rest of the pack. If I didn’t, I would’ve only had one plant and probably would’ve killed it before I had a chance to sprout the rest of the seeds. I’m so happy haha.

I’m going to kill the rest of my males besides the Dream Axis (I hate killing plants so a dozen or so dudes have been chilling in a little secluded area) just to be safe and try and get as many f2 seeds as I can from this little dream beaver. Probably won’t get enough to share but I’m hoping to grow out the clones of each and/or reveg and do a bigger pollination.

The fact that September is in 2 days and the plant has one single pistil, I’m definitely gonna need to finish her in the greenhouse. Probably have to pollinate her in the greenhouse too… I’ll likely wait a few weeks until the weather cools down, but they’re small enough that a transplant should be fine. Not ideal obviously, but I’ve got no choice, but to carry on.

It’s funny how much happiness this plant can bring me. 2 days ago I was feeling worn down by life and today everything is right in the world haha.