Freaker's Kandahar Preservation

I have no idea about this strain but everyone seems excited, so I’m in!! :rofl: great start!!


Afghan genetics are something special, in a league of their own.

Probably to to do with the amount of crystal in the ground / mountains.

I wonder what cannabis grown in the soil of Sedona is like… :thinking:


A friend, somewhere else, said this:

Kandahar is not the typical indica you would guess, it’s an aphrodisac, effect is like opium, very social, can talk the whole night with your friends, feeling euphoria and a lot of laughs


Sounds like a good time


Very creative and rich with spiritual insight as well, that was the case for me.

What really changed my life was 50 grams of Black Afghan hash decarbed at 100C/212F for 2 hours in a tablespoon of olive oil. Once cooled it turned into a paste, like tahini.
It was so powerful it lasted about a year of every day eating a tiny bit.

Epiphanies about why stuff happened, helped me accept everything as it is, helped me meditate, helped me quit alcohol, … that stuff turned me into a whole new version of myself within 4 months, the rest of that year was a haze of bliss… althewhile working the night shift in a very loud factory.

One of the best decisions I ever made in my life was swapping aclohol for this stuff.

It’s a very powerful permission slip for finding out what you’re made of, as Bashar would say.

Smoking it throws away 80-90% of the potential, completely different molecule.
So if you’re not one of those mutants that don’t feel anything from edibles and you’re interested in spiritual evolution, give it a try and meditate after eating the decarb as I described. :spades: :sparkles:


Hey @Tappy, are any of them above ground yet?

ARE WE THERE YET!? :smile:

Thank you for doing the preservation, mighty fine of you, for real.


Update coming in about 8 hours…lol



Glad you make it quitting alcohol.

I would have thought you don’t need to decarb afghan hash, given how it’s manufactured on site (with heaters). Or was it locally made, and not imported from Afghanistan maybe?

Let’s spread this seeds!


The hash was grown and made in Belgium by a friend of a friend, unheated, fully raw.
It was filtered many times is all I know, it was very pure and black like the darkest black chocolate.

I’ve experimented with different decarb times: Decarbing at 100 degr. Celsius (212 F) for different lengths of time. my personal findings

Every minute makes a difference in the effect. Currently I’m enjoying 2 hours and 10 minutes, it’s very balanced and peaceful feeling. 2 hours shows more the individual character of the strain used and can feel more wild, a little more crazy.
I wrote several descriptions of the differences I noticed in the varying times.

At 1 hr 11 minutes and 1 hr 44 minutes it’s great for getting stuff done.

At 2 hrs 10 minutes the effect is more mellow and even keeled.

At 2 hrs 22 it’s more sedative and couchlocky, more narcotic feeling.

At 3 hrs you get a very powerful muscle relaxant, I don’t recommend it because I felt like a walking pile of blubber at times, kinda drunk feeling but in a walking into walls and doorways kinda way.
Could be useful for people who have very stiff tense locked up muscles, I would recommend using it in combination with a shorter decarb time, like 50/50 of 3hr and 2hr decarb for example.

You can modulate the effect of every strain this way to perfectly suit your individual preferences.

Flavor becomes less important because I just eat a tiny bit, usually once a day, sometimes twice, and that’s enough for me, so I don’t care much what it tastes like, and I don’t have this drive to hunt for the holy grail strain, with the knowledge of the decarb times I can make just about any organically grown strain with THC work for me.

I have no experience with smoking the different decarb times, it makes no sense at all to me, eating the decarb is so much better feeling because the liver creates a more complex molecule and one tiny bit lasts easily half a day to a full day depending on dose and strain.


Got it! Yeah, I’ve stumbled on your notes about decarb time while investigating about it. Thanks for them, they were useful!


Had the whole Choir singing… :musical_score: :musical_score: :musical_keyboard:“I wanna be in that Number”:musical_note:!!! With that description, soon to see “OUT OF STOCK”. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So all 11 made it to soil. Shortly after going in, 2 seedlings stunted and damped off. Not sure what happened. We keep rolling on.
The other 9 are happy and healthy.


I could go grab some red dirt. I’m only about 30 minutes away from Sedona. Or more like have someone grab me some. :rofl:


I agree. I have found an oil preparation of cannabis is a more profound and enjoyable experience than smoking the same herb. The duration and intensity is greater then when smoked.


Looking good. Will be putting in 1 gallons in the coming days and start flowering shortly after.


Big fat leaves already. That predicts huge ones later :smiley:


Great!!! Looking very healthy!


Looking nice and uniform. Looking good!
If I can give one suggestion, That would be to put them in a larger container if you are going to give a short veg time after transplant. From what i’ve seen most of these are the short pheno. Short, greasy and stinky( like my neighbor actually🤣)
@LandraceWarden Can probably give further insight. These certainly have the ability to get very large, but I think the phenos chosen were smaller and middle sized plants if i’m not mistaken. Correct me if i’m wrong brother.


They look really nice. Excited to see how they do