Freakin' With The Freaker's Ball Seed Collective

It’s funny. I was just getting ready to announce that I was sending in 500 or so Malana seeds to the coop when the whole topic came up. Of course I’ll still be sending them. Also tinkering with the idea of growing Uncle Fester’s skunk, courtesy of the infamous @misterbee, for the coop. I think I can make enough seeds for the Freaks and the coop with a heavy yielding variety. What do you all think? Next up will be Hibernate, courtesy of @George1961. Sounds like some powerful melt you into the couch late night medicine. I love watching the insides of my eyelids LOL


Dude yeah go for it. After i get these two done i was planning to start my own project. Right before the freaks came along i was asking about viking themed strains. Thanks to this i have valkyrie in hand about to go down to start the freaks and also my own work. Excited. I plan on working some og kush genetics through it for a line. Im just getting started and am gonna be doing utilizing any tester volunteers through the project every step.
Sign me up for that skunk… Love me some skunk lol
I havent heard of hibernate


One B-I-G “Heck Yeah” on the Hibernate!!! Always wanted to include it in my Inventory. MOTR situation put a damper on that, however. Speaking of MOTR, I certainly hope all is well!! ALL, do enjoy a pleasant weekend. stay SUPER safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I think we as a group need to be more focused and directed. I’m not saying how you guys currently work sucks. I actually think some of you guys are elite. However I think we need to be more organized. Seems like skunk is very hot topic right now. I’m not trying to be leader or anything. Just trying to get us back on track. I had a crater lake by dynasty genetics growing and it had a burnt rubber smell with sweet undertones. The sweetness was so subtle you couldn’t smell it from afar. Rub a lower bud and it had an overripe mango or passion fruit smell to it. I think the rks has some weird combination going of sweet funk and gas that produced an unlikely product. Can someone explain what rks smelled and looked like for those uninitiated. I had it back in the day. Maybe right after highschool and it really was the forbidden fruit. Everyone could smell that bag in your pocket when you had it. And even the smoke was so loud. God I loved enveloping myself in that smoke. Stoner cologne lol


Chunky light green nugs, sticky icky, resin on inside of baggie, 3 day old dead skunk laying in front of a stack of burning tires with a pineapple cooking on top in the after taste. Massive expansion in lungs, thick smoke that floats mid air rather than rising. Literally was RKS…


One hell of a description!!! :drooling_face:


Anyone see this:


I’ve been following this thread the whole time and the amount of knowledge that you guys have blows my mind. It’s hard to keep up sometimes on wtf is being talked about. Someone needs to start putting a book together !!!


I’m with @Comacus, really looking forward to updates from Freakers. I just can’t do long flowering Sativa’s up here outdoors. Indoors they have been fail, after fail…so I just have to watch and enjoy…pls stay public here…


You know man, we’ve got some shorter flowering strains too.

Take a look at the Strain List. FBSC Master Strain List - Tabulky Google


Funny you mention that (Hibernate)…
I was looking at the genetics of Hibernate and YoBigdaddy’s Nap Time as a possible project (looks promising)



It really was good back then. Not sure how it stacks against some of the newer stuff but its smoke I loved and would be in line to pay 300 a pack for some true rks seeds. I also love really good lemon skunk OMG! Got tingles down my spine


Putting 15 strains down in March that are supposed to throw RKS pheno’s. Here’s an Exodus Cheese that’s a stinky SOB like Cheeto powder in the back of your throat.Uploading: 503CBBE8-A2E8-4CFA-A216-9847F32EEA41.jpeg…


Lol thats the shape I make my trained and topped plants in


Try and let the lowers get light in the hollowed out middle…branchy plants that top fast make nice flat tops or topiary balls…


I have the group buy RKS…need a grower…
The 1969 uncle festers skunk is only 4 seeds, and i figure i can handle that with my space right now. Don’t have room for 10 more plants( rks)to grow for seeds atm. So many strains, so little time lol.


Sorry wrong thread…


Hi everyone, I’m getting some of Bodhis Acapulco Gold and was wondering if anyone here has grown it out and if indoor can be suitable for it?
Sorry if this is too off topic just thought it would be a solid place to ask.


‘Beads/art craft supplies’ have been the go to in the entheogenic seed trading community for customs forms. I’ve never had a problem.


Mornin’ Freaks. :sun_with_face:

Depends on how they’re packaged. This his is what we’re going with on the JOTI buy. At least for folks with larger orders:

Price on Amazon for both was $36. They’re awesome all the way around. On the customs form, it’s just a homemade DVD of vacation pictures/videos. Its value is the cost of a blank DVD, say $1. Since most of the weight of a DVD is the case, the size and weight are good, so there’s nothing suspicious about it, and the case completely protects the contents. :vulcan_salute: