Freakin' With The Freaker's Ball Seed Collective

Yeah, he was holding a lot of really good stuff. Hope he’s doing well and can find peace.

Well, I’m gonna let you and guitarzan decide what I should run…im just happy to help a noble cause…or we can take it to a freakers vote and let everyone decide. :face_with_monocle::thinking:


Oh wow…just found the “hybrids” tab…lol :face_with_monocle:


Hello good morning Folks ,
Hey Mister @Upstate would you mind me asking do you have any extra Deep Chunk. Freaky Herb Seeds , I was Waiting on for February drop in the Bucket , before I kick the Bucket growing Outdoors , to fulfilling my bucket List for freaky flaky good smoke to grow out open pollinated…
Thanks. Peace…


Dang, was going to offer up a tent and was going to ask to hopefully do a repo of the Hindu or Pine Tar.

Hope he’s doing well wherever he is.


Which Hindu? I have some Afghan/ Paki stuff from country.


No extra Deep Chunk seeds unfortunately. Just a breeder pack I paid way too much for. I’ll be getting into it before too much longer though. The Cruelty Desk loved Deep Chunk. He was obsessed with finding a pure version. Much has been hybridized.

I fear the worst. I try not to think about it too much. He seemed to lose a friend to suicide around once a year. Last I heard from him, his only remaining old friend killed himself. He was a lost soul.


I have seen that happen far too many times. :cry: The holiday season is especially hard for some people. If anyone is depressed just know that if you can wait it out, all things pass. Even the bad things. :rainbow:


I got a Good Old 70s favorite with HeadBangers 666 ,MalawiGold good shot
Malawi Gold was the first to bear the original ‘666’ nickname among African growers being a strain that can reach 6 metres in height, grown for 6 months and producing 6 kilos of her…nice.

A Premium Premier candidate for SEED RUN PRESERVATION 6 feet high , 6 LBS. 6 Months run…
OverGrow The World ,with Go0d orderly peeps a OG Growers


remember that strain - it’s been a round a while Tuna Kush forget the original breeder ? - let me check might be other breeders of


East Africa Genes has a good Malawi. Tejas grew tlt Malawi for a Freaker Preservation. Same Malawi basically, but East Africa Genes is much cheaper and comes from Malawi. I had shit germ rates with TLT Malawi and so did Tejas. When I told them they offered to sell me more seeds🤬


I’m still holding on to a thread of hope for the black tuna seeds to show up for a seed run. They were mailed over a couple weeks ago now. If they don’t show up by the end of this week, my hope will slip a little more.


Mail during this time of year is always slow. Are the black tuna seeds coming from Canada?

I have Malawi seeds from SEEDS OF AFRICA as well as from MALBERRY/HOLY SMOKES. They’re old, but I’d be happy to donate them for a seed run. The TLT Malawi probably came from Malberry/Holy Smokes.


@PineTarBastard Tlt was direct from Africa according to them. but I suspect the age of the seed forced a repro by now. Canna institute of Africa was tlt source for Malawi and uganda mamba. Same photos on respective ig pages a couple years back. I ordered direct from canna institute, But Uganda customs Found my seed. He had sent me seven different varieties from uganda and the Malawi… A Heartbreaker. Lost $350.

That’s nice of you to offer up holy smoke malawi. I’m sure it is worthy of preservation. You’ve grown his Mulange and liked it so im sure its good. I have a couple different malawi myself from east africa genes I have to get in to and Malawi seeds are notororious for going bad quickly. 3 years. I’m going to have to pass and get into my own. I bet
someone would be willing to do it though. I’ll look it up on seedfinder. Malawi Gold (Holy Smoke Seeds) :: Cannabis Strain Info


TLT seems to be carrying all of Malberry/Holy Smokes seeds(Mulanje, Drakensburg, Mozambique Poison, Peshawar, Swazi Gold, Zambezi, etc) so I naturally assume the Malawi was from them as well.


From Canna Institute of Africa @PineTarBastard. I asked him. The photo tlt uses is from him.
This guy

Moxex Nganda
Seemed like a nice guy, but after customs got my seed he left it up to some Malawi guys to mail me more seed, though only Malawi seed, no more Uganda. These guys didn’t pan out.
Here’s a Malawi bud photo from him
Looks great.
Dang it I wanted that Uganda.


I don’t doubt a lot of their stuff is reproductions of malberry. Er ahem… I mean " private collector"


An open letter to the Freakers.

I have been reading about your group and I am very impressed. Your organization and rules for participation are very meticulous and well thought out. I began collecting landraces because no one else that I talked to cared about them. Everybody wanted the new “super-pot “ poly hybrid. They did not see the importance of preserving these ancient genetics. My journey has passed through many phases. At first I was a collector. Then I became a horder ( i.e. I got the good shit). The I became overwhelmed by the desperate need to save all landraces ( a task beyond one mans ability). But now that I have found the Freakers and the OG community, I feel at ease and am certain that you all will save and protect this wonderful, sacred plant. Now I can grow and enjoy my plants with peace and tranquility. You will do well. :relieved:


I have some Black Tuna if your seeds don’t come in. I’m close enough to you that I don’t think you’d have any issue getting seeds in from me.


Welcome to the club brother we’re all just a bunch of hoarders with good intentions. You should throw down a repo grow of (that good s*** )and join the family.
If you freaks have got any more seeds that need to go out let me know I got some coming in Friday, and if I don’t hear from nobody by next week I’ll be shipping them out the following week