Free Early Clones

No worries my man, always fun or it aint worth doing.
That much money aint no fun.


I knew the expense was going to be a booger. Been there, Done it. I just figgered you had more money than sense. Haha. Its cool man. You gave it a try. that’s a lot more than most would do.
But thanks a million tho.


I might try to mail out a few every week so I don’'t have to mail them out at once, I hate to fail.

I can ask for a $5.00 donation to those members who don’t mind helping me out by sending me the $5.00 and the cost of $8 to $9 and members send $5.00 paying the balance I can then afford 4 members each week, theirs only 12 members.

Instead of failing who ever is with me and doesn’t mind donating I will clip some clones throw them in my hydro bucket and hope they flourish… 3 last plants are about 1 foot smaller but growing fast…


Those are looking healthy brother. Good job! My damn cat killed my Blue Cheese you gave me


Would you like another seed , I can’t promise you I have one but if I do it’s yours


You have to ask for donations man you can’t do it all on your own plus you’re giving away a clone people can’t expect everything for free. @BigMike55 like he said it gets expensive. I seen that a while back when he was trying to do his thing with seeds it is not cheap.


I guess right now I just paid $43 for the Contest Postage and $6.00 x 4 for the Canadian Members, Plus I purchased $50 for the 2 bonus winners , gifts from amazon I thought would be nice as gifts, they will be very pleased lol.

I have a huge heart and still want to send out clones so lets do this at 4 members per week will receive there clones . This way it won’t kill my weekly budget…

If I could I would do a Monthly Contest as long as Mr. LJ approves them, right now I am blessed that Mr. LJ approved the contest seed give aways,


I would not expect you to foot the bill on something like this. I am sure most people would not mind having to pay for shipping/materials if they really want them heh. :+1:


Only if you got one. Im more than willing to pay for shipping. Those clones you have look great. I agree with @Hemp and @bassman5420


Lemon Joe is a good guy. I think maybe if you talk to him like some of the others you might be able to do what you want.

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Due to A vey good Friends advice I would like to ask each member on the list if they would donate a portion of the postage. $9.45 for a small priority usps box.

@Rhino_buddy helped me get these out to you at the lowest cost to us all to have some nice cup winners …

Thank You :crazy_face:


I’d like to make a donation and snag Qtip’s spot if possible… But certainly not if he still wants it!

Sweet thats awesome thankx man :slight_smile:

Plants are now reaching 4 ft tall…

Mango Lassi is the tallest at 3.5ft sky walker kush is 4 inch smaller and runtz 13 follows and the other are close behind

This beverage is for all of you…


I’d be happy to pay shipping for one of the mango lassi clones when someone has one ready, and or trade some beans. The plants look great :v:t2:

Edit: and several others besides the lassi lol


The Mango Lassi Blew away the tallest Sky walker Kush lol she is about 4 ft lol

I just received my netpots & bucket covers , my 2 pumps come Sunday so after my bubbler is rocking I will be a rollin clipping 4 plants , 1st member 1 through 6 will receive whats on the list.

donations are always welcome to defray the shipping cost
usps flat rate dvd / media box $9.35


Top Pic is Mano Lassi

Back Right Plant Sky Walker Kush

Front Right Front

Runtz 13


Them ladies are looking nice over there indeed :+1:


Update on Plants & Clones

Tonight I finnaly set upmy double pump double hose 8 net pot bubblers…

I have never started any thing like this but if a monkey can scratch his ass and peel a banana at the same time this would have to work… Here folks watching selling ballons , popcorn, candy apples…

don’t be to hard on me…

Clipped tonight are as follows

Mango Lassi
Sky Walker Kush
Runtz 13
Banana Bomb

Those who are on the list for these clones are who will receive them,

I cross my fingers I did this right :flushed: :flushed: :flushed: :joy:


I already figured out my own question and wow I could have had a V8 :crazy_face:


That’s a lot of air! :rofl: Curious as to why the double pumps?