Free marijuana growing and cooking books for download

Hello everyone! I am new to the community and thought I’d show y’all where I was able to download numerous marijuana growing and cooking books for free.

This free site requires a sign up (i just made up a name) and password and allows 10 downloads per day. I read sci-fi and I religiously download 10 books a day.

Please note the the site is totally free and I am in no way affiliated with it. This is not an advertisement. They have no ads and they work on contributions like Overgrow.

The search engine in the site is lacking. I used the search term "marijuana " and it readily found the books I described above. In contrast, if you have broader interests like science fiction, I find it best to search for the genre, then log out and back in.
It’ll start given you suggestions for the genre. Weird huh?

The site is below. Happy downloading!



Thanks @Bert I’ll check it out for sure!


US has been shutting down these sites.


My pleasure! I just downloaded 10 sci-fi books a few minutes ago.

You’re absolutely correct. They recently shut down a different version of it.

Why they shutting down? Copyright issues?

Yes. Many of them are out of copyright. However, some are very new.

It’s an interesting operation. I strongly support the distribution and consumption of books. But then there’s that whole copyright thing.


information should be free.


There are a few books on Spotify. I was surprised…

I had no idea Spotify did books no sign up required

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Thank you! I’ll check it out today! I read constantly and I am always looking for other sources.

They’ve already shut it down. It’ll pop back up.

And now it’s back up