Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread (**The Grow Show**)

Ooh man, it can be so useful sometimes that’s for sure. I get in situations where I have topped plants lingering around in the veg room for too long and they get thick and branches get taller than I would like. End up tossing a couple of those plants in a tent and trellis them out, you can easily flower in a few days after training or let the lower material get a little healthier than flip it. Crazy how fast you can fill a tent with the canopy heh. Currently have 3 tents all trellised (Have not made the grow diary for the 3rd tent with the earthboxes yet). I actually just took a few pictures of my 2x4 to post on my diary, I am installing a 3rd layer of trellising in there (Usually only do 2) with my new tent spreader wall/trellis supports I designed. You could say I like pushing things to the max heh.
Looking good in there though, keep training them girls! :+1:


Thanks for the encouraging words Ill give them until the weekend and switch them.


Hell ya, train them till you are happy then do the deed! :+1:

Awesome. I already see some pink influence. I hope they are all girls for you! Space Monkey, LVTK, Pink Lotus…there will be some good stuff! :wink: thanks for running them!


Amazing handiwork on the bonsai!
Definitely got me thinking.


Azad Kashmir by Diggy @Worcestershire_Farms at 12/12 day 47


I’m very excited to see how those two abc crosses turn out.
Probably some piney, sour and lemony flavors in the Trainwreck/GG4RIL cross. :yum:


Sweet gum pile up seeds from here on og


:heart: I hope you like them! I sure do

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I did not have much luck with some of the seeds, changed my nursery process and they did not like it. Got some that survived. Two Earthlovers, one called Jr, the other a randy male. The Ringo’s Grapefruit and Cherry Blossom seem to be doing well enough. All CBD.

I rearranged the CBD cross I did Between a Dinamed CBD and a Cherry Wine F2, they are about 2-3 weeks away from harvest. I am more concerned with their seeds developing fully than the smoke. While moving one around I wrapped a pipe cleaner on the top of one to help support it from falling over. A green pod fell off and for the heck of it I squeezed it to see how developed the seed was. A brown one popped out. Got to love that. But that was at the top of the plant, the lower branches need some more quality light time. I am going to have a shitload of seeds but we will see which plant turns out to be worth propagating on.


Clones of Sour Bluetooth 2 , blue cookies and more.

This is some Monster Ghost and 2 autos , Do Si Kush And gg4.
The last picture was Do-si Walker.

The last was the Floraliscius.
Had the mother of clones and other stuffs


Not sure if you are planning to have lab testing done but I just started dabbling with Thin Layer Chromatography as a more cost effective do-it-at-home option.

I’ve read that a plant’s chemotype is set at a very young age so for my first test I plucked some leaves from three plants that were about 3-4 weeks old. I think the colors in the test are very faint because I didn’t use enough plant material but it was enough to show the results I was looking for which was trying to find a 1:1 CBD/THC plant.

The lane with the Sweet Nurse used an actual portion of flower and so the colors are more pronounced but it doesn’t look like it has CBD in it.


Also started some Paralyzed Monster by @JohnnyPotseed currently at two weeks old. Hoping to cross this with a high CBD/CBG plant to make some Monster Medicine :smiley:


I had high hopes for these. It’s too bad they’ll meet their fate in the jaws of my juicer :tropical_drink:


do you still have an apollo ape in there? i think you said apollo ape?

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Dude , I with a male , but is outside on the roof.
Is hard to go there , but the rain comes one time in the week , so I think he’s cool.
I with 4 seeds here , I ll put to pop right now.
I hope then works @anonymous4289

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I WILL need to test these plants so I can pick the right ones to keep breeding with. I would rather not spend more $ than the value of all my grow equipment, just to get testing so I can move forward with my cumbersome breeding project lol.

I like what I am seeing there and would love to talk to you more about it indeed, this could be a massive help for my breeding endeavors :+1:


Im out of my mind trying to figure out how the power went out the other night, lost all 6 plants. I had Apollo Ape until yesterday. I still have 5 seeds and ill start from scratch. :sob:


:astonished: :no_mouth: :no_mouth: :pleading_face:

I know, it’s embarrassing. Its not the end of the world, even though it seemed like that yesterday.Ima keep chugging away.