Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 1 (Closed)

Nice @misterbee,
I am interested in your Sour Diesel and Blue God. Would you like this info in PM?


Yes, PM, please…this way I can may a Listing of Requests and cross them off my List. Address (USA only) also. Thanks


Check your PM bro… I pm about sour d yesterday…lol


@Sebring yes please if you still have them …the pennywise that is. That always comes up as a suggestion for 1:1 . I’m good for high CBD low THC, my local group has clones/mothers of a Cannatonic (Mae’s Cut) that tests around 22:1


Damn been looking for them yeti og’s for a bit.
Grew out 3 definitely og looking but very good high
Depending on how many I’d take a few.

Thank you for your consideration


I’ve got about 5 yeti’s that are F4. I’ll make some F5s at some point.


Sorry, Gman…didn’t see the post. MAC marked for you. Will check how many Yeti’s I have. My bad, as the youngsters say. If I have more than 5, I’ll surely drop 'em on ya.


Ouch, lol… do I need to make a second pic just in case? ll PM you. Thank you!

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You ought to be good on the yeti brother, I backed out.


I’m fine bro. I offered another pick so we’ll see what happens. Thanks.


GMan….sorted, packed up, ready to roll on Friday (no need in waiting until after the Holidays).


I would like to thank @misterbee for being so kind and sending seeds. He read my thread and he messaged me for support. I really appreciate his kindness and everyone else’s since I been here. I’m loving this community and I’m really learning a lot here! Communities with amazing people are hard to find these days.


@misterbee You should totally set up a feedback thread:


Nah…I’m cool…I just believe in being true to the “growing fraternity”.


Such a response, decided to get the first five requests out Friday. Don’t want to be overwhelmed, in view of the many asks. So, get ready for an early visit from St (Strain) Nic………lol!!!


Yeah, you’re right. There are a lot of special people in here. It’s been really easy for me to stay around. I love the giving attitude. Before I moved to this place, I threw everything top the wind and decided to try and help or serve others instead of thinking of myself and worrying every day about getting things right. That’s a fantasy that never materializes. It changed my life. I lost pretty much everything and came here with a different motivation. And, it’s addicting and contagious. It always comes back to you. At the very least, you sleep really well at night. We all need help.

I’m really glad that peeps stepped up and got you in shape to make a change. Like I told you before, I have plenty of seeds too, anytime, but they aren’t tested yet and I knew I couldn’t compete with the generosity here or the quality of the strains.

How’s the health journey going? I love pot for chronic problems. I still feel that pot doesn’t always, or fully, relieve the pain, as much as it diverts the mind from thinking or dwelling on it so much. That alone helps you to heal, imo. It’s an amazing plant and the mysteries inside are still being discovered.

Just the growing of the plant and creating a relationship with it almost, is really powerful. Therapy of the healing kind!

Hey! could you tell I’m stoned as hell? I get blabbing good when I get buzzed. Hit me up anytime if I might be able to help. Prayers and vibes. peace

ooops, and yes! Thank you @misterbee. So much appreciated! I love paying it forward when it the opportunity reveals itself, so your generosity will be treated the same. I always share with local people here who need it. peace


When you “growers” do your thing with the beans, just know that I grow, labor over the Ladies, harvest, dry, and cure from the pure fondness of seeing if I can do it. I’m heavy into Gardening, so I studied all I could about Cannabis. I make my own soil mixture, use Organic additives, brew my own Tea, employ beneficial insects, etc. This Summer, I had plants for 7 people on my deck. I started them in late Feb, vegged them until late May, flipped them (to sex 'em), put them in 10 - 20 gallon Cloth Pots. It was wet and cool most of the Summer here in Maine. Fortunately, I didn’t run into mold or PM. To try and heat things up, I erected a Plastic Enclosure with ends slightly opened. Believe it or not, it worked!! They took off. I grew Smores, ACDC, Charlette’s Web (2), Wedding Cake (4), Sundae Driver #19, Tangerine Dream, Sunshine OG, Canna Tsu, Cinderella 99, Mimosa/Auto, Mimosa, Banana Punch, Purple Punch, and Cotton Candy. Busy, busy, busy!!! I ran them until mid-October. Dried 'em for 3 weeks, cured 'em in Turkey Bags w/Humidity Packs for a month. A good friend did the honors…was he impressed!!!

I relay all this BECAUSE,I don’t smoke!!! All the trim, I give to someone who makes RSO. Next year, I will buy a distillation kit to produce my own CBD Oil.

I started buying beans and got carried away. I don’t smoke anymore, never did drink, and quit chasing the wild women long ago ( couldn’t catch 'em anyway!!!), so I spend my spare change on beans. I know, sad…lol.

Didn’t mean to ramble on, but you are cheaper than a therapy session. Bake on!!!


Wow I can relate to almost all of what you said lol. I don’t smoke either (get too paranoid). I did however pop some cbd seeds with less than .3% thc so I can see if that helps with some chronic back pain. Might smoke it too but I’d rather make a salve or lotion to rub on my back as the pain is muscle (myofascial) related.


On your subject, I have “goo gobs” of .3% THC Hemp Seeds on hand. You are welcomed to a vial or two if you’re interested. Just saying…


What strains were crossed to make goo gobs?