Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 1 (Closed)

goo gobs, as in a lot!!! lol… Southern slang.


Colorado, Otto, and Cherry Wine mostly, a mixture.


That’s wild. You two make three people here in the last few weeks that said they didn’t smoke. I suppose I can understand because I love every phase of the growing. But, I love the mystery of how good it will smoke in the end, heh. I smoke a lot.

Hey @misterbee, since you live in Maine, @OleReynard has been looking for some MOB seeds. The good ones, regulars. I PM’d a guy in Maine but he hasn’t responded. I may have a line on some from upstate New York and he is in the process of hitting up his source. If not he may give me a few to pass along. If you know of a source, give @OleReynard a shout.

Glad you love growing! It’s therapy in itself. And so are the forums. using southern slang? heh… I’ll have to pick your brain sometime. I grew up in the southeast.


Well I’d be interested in that cherry wine but I have a freebie pack of fractal boxes cbd I popped. I already have one female that I will flower soon. When I finish that I may take up that offer though. Thanks for the gesture!

You can add me to the list, sorta. I do smoke semi regularly most of the time, but it’s not at all unusual for me to go for weeks or months without having any. I’ve never lost my love of cannabis, but sometimes it just doesn’t fit with what’s going on in my life at the time.

I’ll never stop growing it, though :wink:


Here goes with the Tracking on the Trade Offer…All posted today/10:30 AM. City, State and, Tracking is as follows:

Ok 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)
MD 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)
CA 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)
CA 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)
OR 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)
CO 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)
MO 9500 1159 8797 9333 1138 (Edited by mods)

ALL delivery dates, Monday/02 Dec.

If anyone requesting beans DIDN’T see info pertaining to you, PLEASE DM Choices AND Address so I can honor my promise. Fair enough? Good thing everyone is at the Post Office sending out large Envelopes…lol!!!


Whenever you’re ready, let me know. I probably won’t be planting any Hemp this upcoming season.

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For security purposes, I highly suggest you use PM for tracking numbers in the future.


Thanks, I’ll do that in the future. And I’m an anti-snooper guy also. Again, Thanks!!!


I think you should edit the info out of the post.


All the posted numbers are the same though.

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Small Town P.O…only the last digits change!!!


One of the mods edited the information.


Someone else edited the post…I do appreciate it, though. The last thing I meant was to compromise someone’s security. I sometimes suffer from ABFS…Acute Brain Fart Syndrome!!!


And I SINCERELY appreciate them for that.


Awesome brother. Thanks again for sure! Hit me up anytime if you need anything. I hope to be growing produce this summer. peace

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can you keep me in the loop on that project please. i’m not into the zam x gdp cross. thx


i’m newer than you but if u can delte the post with tracking numbers please do so.

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A moderator already edited them to be all the same wrong numbers. It was discussed a few posts back.


Unfortunately my cuttings of my GDP mom died as a result of thrips. I would have loved the chance to make some f2 while I still had the mom but I did cross the GDP to Candyland, and Bodhi’s Elfsnacks and Super Silver Yo Mama.