Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 1 (Closed)

yep I feel ya brother. You stay safe out there. If yall ever have a ned for a fat old man out there gimme a holler :joy:


I was talking Odessa Texas. Are we not talking Texas? Lmao!!!

On a location, in the middle of the mesquite and cacti.


Haha i meant odessa florida. But ive been in the thunderdome for the last 4 or 5 years up until april. Shit got slow, so I was at home but im back out doing construction.

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You know anything about flowback work? I’ll probably need a hand around October. I’m going back to contracting then and I’ll need some guys

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I don’t know much about it to be honest. I only know what it is but I never did any work in it. Used to haul a lot of fraction tanks and all that up to the apache guys and what not but dude I’m a quick learner and definitely a hand man. Just keep me in mind. I mean if you get guys that you wouldn’t have to school then by all means do what you gotta do. But always remember that a guy in Dallas that’ll get down for a ol boy


lol dude I had it right the first time but started getting confused when I started seeing tampa and all this. I was like shit they ain’t talking bout midland odessa and then I saw midland mentioned and was like hmmm well ill be dipped in shit :joy:

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But to be honest man all this corona bs hit and I got furloughed so I guess it would depend on that too around that time to see if I got a spot back at work but you know how it is you gotta go where the work is. Just keep a dude in mind is all

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It’s not really hard work at all. Rigging up is the worse, but usually hire a rig up crew. I’ll definitely keep you in mind

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You sure those aren’t seeds from China :rofl:


Hell yeah that would be much appreciated. If it don’t come up by October or November I might hit you up and see whats up. I sire miss the oilfield money thats for sure bro

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I didn’t know the area that well. Tampa, TX? OK, cool. Lol

No i thought tampa, fl I don’t think therenis a Tampa, TX :joy: i was all confised

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I always freak out when I see the San Antonio Fl exit sign. I have always known about San Antonio tx, still have a house on the south side off of Military Drive.


I have the exact same issue. No matter where I go, there I am. :laughing:


I’m a bit more east in Lakeland. If you’re not familiar with the area I’ve lived and worked all over the central fl areas for 30 years. If ya need anything just holler, can suck heading into a new place not knowing shit about it. Just be careful if you cross into Polk, the sheriff here is a Bible thumping hypocrite that’s watched reefer madness a few to many times lol


Isn’t there a Pampa, TX? I will move there and then to Tampa, FL and start dating a tattooed slut just so I can say, “I went from Pampa to Tampa for a trampa with a stampa!”


:joy: them damn trampas from Pampa and Tampa lol


That is to awesome brother! I love it.

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Betting Tampa is dampa’ then Pampa. At least the trampas are dampa’. But don’t let that hampa you, Grampa.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat: That one even made my cats laugh too. You little scampa!