Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 2 (Part 1)

Is it ok if I assume you and @DougDawson are guys? I’m a girl,
Myrtle reflects where I live, not who I am. It’s a generic name and there’s no way to determine male/female. Some are easier to figure out. Although some names are just downright misleading. In the end, it doesn’t matter - we’re all just friends. :wink:


The seeds I sent no problem, just concealed in packages etc, but the clones? oh hell now that’s a different story! The reason it took almost a year, because I didn’t even try to ship those babies lol all were hand delivered
Talk about paranoia lmao try driving all over the country with clones and illegality everywhere


A correct assumption for me :slight_smile: As a matter of fact, this is me in this link.


Saw that the other day when ya posted it, dying skill. Good job of demonstrating, keeps it going for the younguns to learn!


Nice view you have there, Doug. Something about being on water gives a sense of peace :v:t2:


Good skills DD. I guess you can spark one up whenever you want without a bic😉


Mustang? Haha. I lived in MWC and Del City in the '90’s.
Tinker area… Man, I remember some hot summers there.

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Lol u look like shaggy from Scooby-Doo

Edit: …said with love not hate!


LOL, more so now. That was last summer, have not had a hair cut since thanks to Covid. I also love me some Scooby snacks.


I was a stupid essential worker I had to work the whole time.

My younger brother is a kitchen manager at a restaurant. He got furloughed ended up fishing and going to the range all year and collecting checks for it…fucking asshole made twice as much as me while unemployed


I see why your username makes so much sense

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I had a habit of planting marijuana all over the country, everywhere I went every small square in small towns, every highway, byway, roadside, creekside, traintrack, etc even on the Washington and Lincoln memorial groundsI got that hung on me during a stoner moment in the early '70s in Cali…we sitting there getting stoned and someone says.“damn man, you’re like the Johnny Appleseed of weed …Johnny POtseed!” and I liked it so kept it lol
Used it ever since


Talk about a dying skill- dedication! How many people are going to drive around to share a plant? Survival skills wax and wane with the comfort level of society, but shit like that is rare throughout humanity’s history.

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That and the toilet paper hoarding is what I am baffled by the most


Oh, I killed more than two birds with one stone lol I’d deliver bud and clones, seeds and pick up bud and clones, seeds ya know?
kinda like a 'busman’s holiday lol work as i go

edit… Also, we were jewelers setting up and selling our silversmith/ turquoise carvings at rodeos, pow wows, county fairs, flea markets etc. It was a damn good cover!


I actually got stopped once by a cop in Arkansas on I-40 lol doing over 100 with a buddy in another car racing each other at 2AM…with over 100 lbs in the trunk of each car! No traffic and bored I guess. But anyhow, the cop just says to the both of us “follow me back to the station to pay your fines, cause y’all are out of state”…It was in 2004-5 can’t remember which now, so many years and miles ago lol We both got very lucky! Needless to say, we slowed it down. :crazy_face: :sunglasses:


Lol you guys were lucky cause Arkansas state troopers are ruthless


I know, lol but I was a ‘wild child’ …good thing I calmed down or I’d probably be pushing up daisies :rofl: :sunglasses:


Same lol but it was fun. I sowed all them wild oats early I see people I went with just now doing crap I was doing in my 20s and I’m 40 lol and now I’m like naw I ain’t got time for all that .


I was ‘wild n crazy’ from the times before I went to Nam up till about 15 yrs ago, until well after I married this gal almost 40 yrs ago. It’s just a miracle I survived to talk about it :rofl:
edit… I think some of the laws in effect today are because of shit I did back then