Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

BigMike told me to water my plants with mayonnaise for a week to triple my yields. Does this look like a deficiency to anyone else?


LOL, hey, the internet is full of bad info. We’re just trying to do our part and keep you informed with the latest info :wink:


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I think it’s actually supposed to be hollandaise. Hope that helps


Dude, he was supposed to say Ranch Dressing. Its the extra spices in it that helps. He must be getting confused with his white liquids over there…

Mayonaise is for rooting clones… Everyone knows that…



Now, I HAVE heard that if you put cuttings in Moosehead Beer your clones will be stronger but thebuds from it will taste like shit.


Right this way, Sir


so I’m like 5 daysblate but great talk about old scifi and fantasy it feels like those days are kind of long over and it’s a shame it’s also a shame when we find out an author we loved was just out of there minds as it appears a lit of those early sci fi and fantasy writers were but different world and all I guess also mental health is a thing and addiction for that matter last month my children just shattered my childhood memories by telling me what a raging lunatic racist Lovecraft was I mean he had a cat famously named N word man but Cuthulu arg it still stings


Been there. Loved it.

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geoup hug


Saw this the other day, and granted its not what we had been discussing, but even I chuckled and I am not a trekkie…

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Might I reccomend the book about the book?

Lots of authors are raging alcoholics and chain smokers too, but I won’t fault them for that.


PUBLIC NOTICE #103658 - If someone came on OG and informed EVERYONE that about 30+ Members, Breeders, Sellers had D-O-N-A-T-E-D gear for “a September Thingy”, would you think there might be any interest??? Just wondering, inquiring for a Friend!! PUBLIC NOTICE #103658 SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Here’s my bubblegum grow-off…


Dang Skippy, Hippie!


hmm, lemme think about that and get back to you :wink:


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yup. interested. for sure.

Does a public notice neccesitate an official notarized response in triplicate? Causa I’ll do it.

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How did I miss the first 103657 notices?


Yah it’s a drag. But as you said it was a different world then.

Also got to separate the artist from their art.

Furthermore enjoying a piece of art is not endorsing any, let alone every, opinion/action that said artist espoused.

I would even go so far as to say you can enjoy some particular part or aspect of a piece of work, while also detesting some other part/aspect of THE SAME work of art…life is complicated.

Take music, how many of us would intentionally walk a path that leads us to death by heroin OD at age 28? But how many of us enjoy the music made by someone who walked that road.

No person is perfect, know enough about anyone and you will find their flaws. Now that is not a carte blanc for artists to do anything without repercussion, just a reminder not to throw the baby out with the bath water!


Don’t threaten me with a good time sir! :slight_smile: :pray: :evergreen_tree: :heart: :evergreen_tree: :pray: :slight_smile: