Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Oh the stories that envelope could tell!



mine hit the post office June 17th


Yeah man , im glad too.
Very happy with my new phase of the grow.
I have a good space to grow. Just what i need to do this perpetual.
Its a awesome moment in my life and my grow.
2 months to arrive the pack of the @anonymous4289
Its so many time waiting.
But its ok now.
The yours came on Saturday. Good day.
The postal office of my country is sucks.
But ok
Lets grow!!!
Many thanks you guys


This is the new challenge, where does it take the longest to deliver mail in the world. Heart of Africa? Middle East? Antarctica?

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Nextdoor lol


I think mediterran is more hard.

Lmaoo. Itā€™s funny, sometimes members in the states get theirs from me before some Canadian members do. I do live right along the border though, so I guess it must get sent over first and then to wherever itā€™s headed in the US.


Mail is weird. Sometimes they lose stuff that isnā€™t tracked, I swear.

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Thank you @smokenhike just got my very generous envelope.

Iā€™ve got that beat like 3 times. Waiting on 2 now for the past month. One from Brazil so I expected it to take awhile but one from Canada thatā€™s been over a month as well. Then there was the Go Nuts that must have fallen behind a machine or something at the local postal hub and sat for 2 months :neutral_face:

The Go Nuts was tracked! It showed it make itā€™s way across the country right up to my local hub and then it just stopped moving. I wrote it off completely and one day it showed up. The tracking had it ā€œarriveā€ at the hub all over again and out to me.


:heart: still outta likes from last night lol, just wanted to say thank you for letting us know @Slick1. Takes some serious patience to wait that long, but I think it gives anyone who has been waiting a long time some form of hope. My wife actually just got a package from China a month or 2 ago that she ordered pre-covid! Even came with an apology letter from Canada Post :joy:


Well it helps when what youā€™re waiting for was an act of generosity and not something you paid for/ordered :smile: If the same thing happened with something I ordered Iā€™d already have been in contact with USPS. Iā€™m not about to call them and ask where my illegal seeds are though :laughing:

I actually have some concerns though because itā€™s been a minute and a few things that should have arrived by now havenā€™t. One from the next state over even has been two weeks, but I donā€™t know if what I sent there ever arrived either.

Maybe posting this will bring a veritable cornucopia of beans to my mailbox today! Like I kicked the universe in the ass by mentioning it :thinking:


Iā€™m still waiting for the BBQ giveaway beans and know others really close to me had them arrive a week or 2 ago so I feel ya on the mail mystery woes.

I got beans sent to me from the states arrive in 1 month but the ones I sent them got their in less than 2 weeks. CanPost is brutal.


Funny how all my bills arrive on time. Godspeed little beans.


Antarctica would be a good guessā€¦

Personally, island nations gets my guess. When I was in Utila, Honduras (part of the Bay Islands), mail took routinely 2-3 months, and upwards of 4-6 months to get at times. MUCH faster to find a ā€œfriendā€ in the US who is visiting, have it mailed to them, and then muled down. Oh, and thereā€™s no postman, or post office. Just a bag of mail at the Port Captain / Ferry office, and word of mouth / a FB group tells you mail has arrived then you go pick it up.

Even on Cozumel, MX it took a month to a month and a half on averageā€¦

Iā€™m waiting on some beans, 3-4 weeks now. I just figure the postal service is giving them the tour and hope they show up eventuallyā€¦


So true
3 months ago I sent about 300 to Shoe @ Headie Gardens. Tracked. In a bright red and white envelope. It only had to go a few states away. Expected delivery was 3 days.
Well that envelope got lost the minute tracking said it left that post office. Filed a missing mail report. Contacted usps 5 times in hopes they would find it. Usps closed all my cases withoit it ever being found. I even contacted the post office I dropped it off in. Nothing. Well 2.8 months later Shoe contacted me and told me he finally got it :laughing: I wish I knew what happened to it on its journey, but I will never know as USPS never even updated me to let me know it was found. I had givin up.

Anyway Ive had so many envelopes go missing and one worker said if the tracking sticker they put on your envelop is folded over the envelope and isnt completely visible on one face, the machines that scan and sort cant so their job. So make sure if you get tracking that the worker dosnt fold the sticker over the envelope and that the barcode is clearly unbent.


Got my seeds today @Sasquatch! Thank you very much!


My pleasure Qtip!!! Enjoy!!!

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Man its hot today 93ā° but at least the humidity is only 49%. Plants are using more water now.

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I have an ā€œexcessive heat warningā€ in my area starting tomorrow. Itā€™s so humid here anything over 80 is a nightmare anymore. Heat index of 105 for the next 2 days.