Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Welcome to the club! You must be East of me!


That gets an excessive heat warning??? Thatā€™s just an average day for our summers out here!
Seeing itā€™s only 106 outside Iā€™d say weā€™re actually having a cold front from our typical 115-120 degree days


Your RH isnā€™t 70% plus though. Grew up in the southwest, hot/dry fine but here in upper Midwest the humidity hits like a ton of bricks!!!


Ya weā€™re def a dry heat out here, MOST OF THE TIME. But when we get out summer monsoon seasons it makes things hellishly hot and sticky, joked many times with my dad that I could swear I woke up in Florida haha


Floridaā€™s great 4 months of the yearā€¦

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Az Is nice the other 8 months haha I think weā€™re the only state that understands leaving oven mitts in the cars for when we first jump in, change that fell out of pockets and the metal of the seatbelt clip is no joke getting in on a summer day


Too true on all counts!!!

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Iā€™m on the Jersey coastline.

Itā€™s the mix of humidity and heat. You step out of your house and it just about takes your breath away .

This right here. Iā€™ve prayed for it to drop to 70% before :smile:

Iā€™m in the melting pot of Oklahoma we burn up with heat and humidity seeing triple digit heat and 90+% humidity is common . I swear its like the devils taint here at times . Lol


Thats why you gotta be in the mountains like me. Serious 10 degree temp drop just driving up the mountain from neighboring towns. :smiley:

Jersey shore isnā€™t that bad though if you got the bay breezes (had family place in Lavalette/ OB III growing up)ā€¦ Right on the lagoon!


Yup. Hotter than the hinges of Hell!


Yup and its just the beginning of August lol . 0 days and itā€™ll start cooling off more.

Always extreme heat right up til State Fair time and then some. Iā€™m West of OKC. I know hot when I feel it.


For us when we walk out it feels like weā€™re getting blasted with a hair dryer lol

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Iā€™m on the east side about 2.5 hours from okc

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Actually very nice country over there. Used to go over to Lake Tenkiller quite a bit for bass fishing tournaments.

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Damn that sounds brutal! Have u ever heard of the strain Oklahoma oil strike out there? Got some seeds of it that Iā€™m on my last one growing that was a winner of a 10k plant phenohunt, got a grow log of it if ur curious about it


Iā€™m 5 minutes from it lol


No I havenā€™t heard if it , was it by chance renamed?

Hooked up my biggest in my lifetime last thursday