Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

First dibs on my screen gets a pack of White Widow.

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The solventless free live rosin I got today was $50.

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Dibs with 10 character.

EDIT. you sent me those, take the second dibs bud, sorry. Just aimed and shot :rofl:

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Dibs on your screen

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Wow @Qtip , you guys are paying high prices but I guess itā€™s all about the area. I guess that press of yours really did pay for itself quick.

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That is an amazing line up. Good luck with the grow.

I hope the TP does well for you. Was just a pollen chuck. Absolutely 0 science involved :slight_smile:


They have been out of stock on the cheaper models for months. I have been watching since you posted the link, a while back :s

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@anon92380848 you already got a pack today, letā€™s give it to someone else no?


That sucks. I got mine of a guy flogging them here in Canada. Paid $300 Cad and he delivered it to my door. I must have just got lucky and caught them at the right time.

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I feel like the lightweight around here. Never did a dab and honestly no interest in travelling space for a few hours. The one thing that appeals to me is how good everyone says they taste.


Dibs on your screen?

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The buzz isnā€™t that much strongerā€¦ youā€™ll stay here on earth with the rest of us! lol

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I had a cold for a while, and I never really care to smoke / be high, while I am sick. My tolerance dropped through the floor, and then further. I just graduated from my little one hitter back up to a normal bong again. So I am right there with you on team lightweight (at least for the moment)

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Really? Everyone tells me itā€™s weed on steroids :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So I use a Pax rechargeable, the vape refills are 66 incl tax, the tax in Ma on cannabis is a bitch the tax in NY will be high when legal happens next year So making my own makes sense thank you for the topic


The live rosin would be the bet for taste IMO as it preserves all the terpenes. Just got to hit it at low temp and yum.

Jersey is going to see those two tax rates and say ā€œhold my beerā€.

Saves me money and weed for sure!

Maybe Iā€™ll do a baby hitā€¦ :laughing:

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heyā€¦ Mikey liked it!

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Mikey likes it yepper