Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

In the name of Mary and Juanita, Holy Guacamole! @Yetigrows, you aren’t fooling us! Stop pulling our legs! We’re grownups round here! LOLOL!

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@ShiskaberrySavior → "A line from an early draft of the Groundhog Day screenplay in which the character of Phil Connors admits to being trapped in a time loop for 10,000 years.


It sure felt like it lol repeat repeat

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With his backup dancer Schrödinger’s Fox!

I’ve been trying to get the imagination forever

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That’s Jim’s truck.

He has some clones…

He doesn’t even smoke…lol

My dog wants to visit him and his scottie every afternoon on our walk.


Gee, I’m sure glad they tossed that line. It’d make the whole story unbelievable…

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Someone did the math of ALL the skills he mastered; and that the approx time it takes to master them; and the grand total amount of hours was really close.

This is why he stays: stockholm syndrome


@Qtip spirit train just pulled in safe from the killer rollers thanks bud .


Got my Blak N Blue from @BigMike55 today as well! tsk tsk tsk for you misspelling them @MoBilly :wink:

Thank you kind sir!!


Haha. You spelled it wrong too. Remove the “e” from Blue.


Must be the same people who skin cats… I mean, who beats dead horses, or finds new ways to skin cats? Must’ve been a different time.

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Lol, yes indeed. Used to be if you could catch it you would eat it and everything needed to be skinned :slight_smile:

There’s several ways to skin a cat kicking dead horses makes no sense your not gonna bring it back to life just end up hurting your foot. Lol

that old saying ‘to beat a dead horse’ was meant to be if someone continues on a subject that is ‘done’…lol

came from the old mule/horse plowing days lol The farmer kept beating the horse to try n make it work after the horse was already dead… the damn field needed plowing bad!

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You actually take time to skin it?! I bet you even half cook it too…damn civilization! What’s this world coming to?

edit next thing ya know, we’ll be putting people on the damn moon!


I took my pup for a good walk today (recent ACL surgery for him), and he was trying to use the injured leg the whole time (this is what we want). So that was VERY good to happen today :slight_smile:

I can only give one love to this, but I wanna give 100… THIS is the way…

lol, I knew the connotation, I’m not a youngster, lol but I had no idea on the origin. I knew one of you guys would have my back and gimme a real answer on that :smiley: Thanks! I can now file that amongst the 100,000 other useless bits of info that clog my brain because you KNOW I am gonna whip that out one day to impress someone LOL… Ask me in 6 months, I’ll remember it, but ask me something important, pshaw… I’ll have no clue. If only I could capitalize on all that “useless knowledge” upstairs. LOL


I heard a story where you once enacted justice on a farmer beating a mule, saved the day, and got the girl.


Glad they made it! Was the envelope showing damage from feed wheels?
I should do two flips every envelope so it’s even

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No not at all perfect envelope condition .

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