Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Naw lol i already had the girl…but, yes I did happen on a farmer beating a mule with the trace chain in rural NC, stopped my schoolbus motorhome, blocking traffic, got out and beat him with that trace chain! A few car that had gotten blocked by my bus, the folks clapped and cheered as I went back, got in and drove off. lol

edit… I can’t help it lol I’ve always stood up for abused kids, animals, women, weaker folks in general, being ‘beaten’ by bullies.

edit… Abuse, in ANY form, to anyone, is wrong!! Period!
And I figure, if you gonna do it in public, then you’re gonna get public critique…and I can be one critical S. O. B.


and in a classic stoner move, I remember a recent episode to prove this! The Vet visit on Tuesday! After the surgery my pup was given 4 medications to take. Ya think I remember ANY of them’s names? “Yeah we give him 2 of the little white pills, still have them, the yellow gelcap looking one we’re out of, the other yellow pill we have a few left, and the round brown pill that looks like a chewable, all out of that one too”…

Ya think, after feeding him them twice a day for almost the past two weeks, I would remember even a sliver of any of the prescriptions names? nope… not a snowflakes chance in hell of that!


Oh good, I’ve seen a bunch on my end where you can see where the wheels have spun on it

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I’ve had a few lately showing wheel tracks all over the envelopes also.


those damn Canadian mice and their four-wheelers…


Just got back from the walk…Jim says hi!

My dog and his li’l buddy

Chewie guarding Jim’s plants


That’s Jim’s 88.
18000 miles


That’s a great looking dog you got there cuz! Intelligent and fun loving, I bet lol

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damn. I wanna put my outside ladies in nicely mulched beds like that. But nooooo… not where I live… my outdoor ladies are relegated to the wilderness beyond the edge of my veggie garden, I’d love that grass to be able to walk up to them barefoot, but its all chopped up pricker bushes so I GOTTA wear shoes (flipflops lol). Man, there’s so much to love about those pics. . And the guardian :slight_smile: love my 4 legged friends :smiley:


I could tell, it looks brand new.

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Dang auto correct! I know how to spell!! Someone turn this off!

I had an 88, that was given to me by my ex FIL, drove for 10 years and gave it away with 390000 km on it. Still see it driving around town 3 years later. I miss it.

My 96 has over 500,000 km. :upside_down_face:

In this case I hope you CAN lead a horse to water and get him to drink though.

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Thanks bro! I love to hear good things about our four (or three) legged friends!

I’m in the same boat.

By the time it was legalized here, my wife had filled all the flowerbeds.

I’m relegated to the edges and whatever sunny spots I can find.

He has a brand new '22 (I think) F150 limited as a daily driver, just picked it up this week.

He trades his trucks in every 2 years now and then bitches about not having any money.


As long as you’re not in his territory as a stranger, he’s as gentle as a mouse.

Considering he’s an intact male, some people are surprised by that.

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Almost any animal is territorial, I can respect and like that attitude!

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The flowerbeds are mine here :smiley: mwuhahaha Too bad my back is 60% shade and my front is full sun… I can see the looks on my neighbors faces as I tear out purple weigeilia, purple smoke bushes, butterfly bushes to plant some weed… My Japanese maple isn’t going anywhere though LOL it’ll fit right in and provide color.

I can fantasize, can’t I??