Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

My wife is on a dogwood kick.

My backyard has a bush every 5’ in each direction, you can’t imagine how much of a pain it is with a mower. Circle after circle after circle.

My buddy says he wants to get an overhead view of me mowing the lawn so he can put the Benny Hill music to it.


Hi Jim :smiley: :+1:

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Kind of the same. I can live without them, I’m not chasing them, but there is a certain unexplainable allure to the name alone.


There we go with “Horse Abuse!!”…lol SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


That’ll work!

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I guess I was partly to blame for the latest round of dismay here. I try to keep a cool head but sometimes ya gotta just be real, ya know. All you guys know I love you all. Thats why I hang out here. If I wasnt messin with ya, you’d think I was mad about something.


Red twig dogwoods around my hottub. Not so great flowers, bees do like em, but the red stems are awesome in the winter for color. They also root from cuttings rather easily in intermittent mist, so I made a few more. Used to have a japanese dogwood in the front growing up, but thats been gone for years… I wouldn’t mind adding a few taller dogwoods, I have quite a few ash trees, and emerald ash borer is decimating my town right now, I got a big one that will be dead by next year (48" trunk), and within 5-6 years I estimate I will lose the rest of my ashs (8 more trees) to the EAB. Sure, it will bring more sunshine, but it’ll be close to $8k to remove em :frowning:

I have a few cool specimen trees going though to replace them. Some really cool japanese pines in the back, a black pine in the front, a pair of gorgeous weeping purple beeches, one in front, one out back, that are now about 25ft tall (bought em at 8ft). THOSE are gonna be gorgeous. Dappled weeping willow, river birch and some redbud round it out. There’s a few maples on the edge of the property that will still be here thankfully…

You need to connect the circles and make ovals. Make wifey happy with more planting beds, make your job easier with mowing :wink: I have lots of organically shaped beds in the yard with sedums, hostas, lilies, etc. Of course, I love to make work for myself, so they all have softball sized rock borders. Break out that weedwacker!


Yup me too but we have to police ourselves…if I’m being an a hole please let me know…it might take me a minute but the self reflection will come.


Watcha go and post that for? Now you got me filling up a frigging Cart!!! Have you no shame/ SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: BEAUTIFUL plants there!! THANKS!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


No brother @BigMike55 , you were not to blame. I was in a PM with the fellow yesterday and was hoping he would see his error. He just kept doubling down and it is unfortunate. The fact is that each and every person needs to be a bit open minded and willing to admit when they are wrong. The guy was just not willing to do that and kept focusing on his imagined slight or unfairness he perceived from a generous act. It is unfortunate it happened at all but you are not to blame.

EDIT: Personally I hope he does some thinking and comes back with a better attitude. I even pm’d him to try to get him the seeds he wanted. I am guessing from what he was saying that life is kicking his ass a bit right now as it does to us all from time to time. That can make things seem different than they are due to the frustration. Even if he doesn’t come back I still hope his life turns around for him.


Oh, I get it. Brother I’m one that has never learned the “skill” of keeping my opinion to myself after a certain point. I just saw the same rabbit being chased around the same brush pile when I turned off the computer last night.
I’m just hurting today and I can’t smoke enough to pass out. lol
I need to find that one strain that puts me out, and hold on to some just for days like today.
BTW I’m not sniveling. I don’t have to look further than the other end of the couch to see someone who struggles with more than I.


Nah… some people need to learn gratitude and humbleness… Generousity is free, and anybody who expects something, or worse, demands it, misses the point of generousity…

All good though… I still see the love here on OG, even when people are rude to them, OG’ers are just amazing people and still offer… I don’t think anybody was tryin to be an a hole… even accidentally…



What you ordering?

They have so many delicious flavours at such great prices…

One of the few places I happily support and freely promote.

Them and spidey at shitseeds.


I was getting annoyed and tried to be a little bit of an asshole. I mean, take a hint, guy.


ya know, yer “good people” Doug… as they say by me…

You really do pay it forward and try to see the good in people… I tried to put the positive spin on it when I logged on late last night but when I got tossed under the bus by someone, well, my help is not wanted there…

I do hope things pan out for him though, sucks to be in that position, but you also can’t play victim, and certainly don’t kick a gift horse in the mouth. So he won seeds he didn’t want, well, why play then? why not take them and grow them and continue the search for the strain you want, right? Many people offered to send beans, he just has to suck up his pride and accept that it might not be exactly what he wanted, but its better than not having anything at all…


…you ain’t??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

pickin n grinnin lol


dude, maybe you’re too nice, but I didn’t see it. Tough love, maybe, Face Reality, maybe, but an a hole ya weren’t. He did strike a nerve tossing me under the bus “for bringing it back up”, and I had tried to help him in another thread…

Then I just packed a bowl, made a drink and went to the hottub… Not getting wound up over that!

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I honestly try to keep my opinions to myself, lol believe it or not! But, when enough is enough I’ll be amongst those hollering whoa! Can’t help it lol

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Damn it dude, I keep telling ya. You gotta stop by and pick up a couple clones of this White Rhino, and maybe a Frankenstein or two… They will do the trick for you!

edit… Only what? a couple hours?

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I got that feeling about you…

Kinda like when you were little and being bad. You could get away with it for so long, but when Uncle Johnny got into it, you knew it was bad…

I don’t blame ya, its the easiest way to stay drama free bud!

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