Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

I linked my page above but here is the link for the feed back threads. You will find all of them there.

Just go to the link or the feedback section and you will see the feedback threads. Go into them, give a rating and or a comment if you like.

Hey I aim to ā€œspark oneā€ regardless of what that looks like. Now light me up!

I tried to complain about you once but the system started talking to me all 2001 a Space Odyssey like. It said ā€œIā€™m sorry Iā€™m afraid I canā€™t do that Slickā€ and threatened me. Something about ā€œthe member of the month must be protected at all costsā€ and something called ā€œdirective Omegaā€. No idea but my food dinged in the microwave so I just gave up anyway.


Link to feedback area:

Latest Trading Post/Trade Feedback topics -

I never saw this till now!

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Yeah, most donā€™t seem to know itā€™s there. I tried putting into my page when you click my icon but nobody wants to click on my troll avatar, lol


dudeā€¦ I gotta get some of what youā€™re smokinā€™ā€¦

you fā€™ing crack me up most times!


I do what I can :smirk:

Man I hate being out of likes. Iā€™ve had stuff going on lately and havenā€™t been on as much so I forgot the pain of dry firing likes at people. Iā€™m shooting blanks here :neutral_face:


So that means you wonā€™t be donating to the bodily fluid collection?


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Got 8 packages left if anyone else is interested.
Before Iā€™ll have to get more supplies.


I didnā€™t even know we had feedback pages.

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Dibsā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Something told me Iā€™d see a post like this from you after our conversation earlier :smile:

I actually would have been kind of disappointed if I didnā€™t!

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the link is

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I left one for you long time now

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Got it. You might not love my last commentā€¦ :laughing:

If you want to keep it serious in there let me know and Iā€™ll delete it.

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Iā€™d prefer it if you be the you I know!

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Packs of what I think I missed it ?

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This strain is = Violetta the genetics are:
(mom) Purple Paranoia BX1
(DAD) Purple Paonia Paralyzer

12 beans for $5 donation to handle shipping packing. They look amazing also lol Nice fat speckled bird eggs
@CADMAN , sorry lol I had to repost that pic you put up earlier so folks could see