Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Me too, but this time we’re mostly around square in-laws. So I decided vaping for 5 days wouldn’t kill me…
I am gonna burn a fatty down first thing when I get home!!!

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Got my Diamond OG from in the mail this morning dam fast delivery 4 days outta the east side .

Shoot Ill take one.

Theres still alot of people I’ve had trades and wins from that do not have feedback threads yet . So if you make one and we have had dealing please shot me a dm

@Needsomebeans @Mormo @Vesti @Shaggy450r @kndreyn @zephyr @Oldtimerunderground @corey @Torontoke @nube @Rhino_buddy @Upstate @HappyTrees23s @Alphatoy @Bullskinner @Greasy @darkillusion


I will grab one of those too, if they are still on offer…
Traveling all day today, cool if we exchange the deets and settle the $ tomorrow?

I am USA, no stress if this is Canada only👍

Hey does it feel like the environment changed around here lately, for better?


@Oldtimerunderground , where the heck is a feedback page for you?!

I go to the feedback thread to see if anyone I’ve dealt with has ever open a post for it, but not many have over time.

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I’d snag one too if there’s any extras. :wink::green_heart:

It burst into flames on day one.

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I will take one.

I don’t think most know it’s there. I read about it in a site doc and so was looking for it and made one for myself. On the bright side since most don’t realize its there the lack of feedback is really not important since nobody sees it :rofl: We need to just bring it up now and again I guess so people will know.

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That is where we should be posting our recieved messages and pics

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I only saw it by going to the ‘Trading Post’ header looking at things

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Posting your messages and pics where? In the Trading Post threads? I don’t think so

Great idea DD, going to add mine to my profile as well to try to make things simple for others

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On the feedback threads , when you recieve your beans from a trade or whatever

Would definitely make it alot easier if people put the link to their feedback thread on their profile like Doug did .


lol I took advantage of that idea also and put the link in my preferences under info


Its probly proper to post in the Feedback thread but just my opinion, it kinda defeats my purpose. I want as many folks here to know I got a nice trade. Or someone blessed me with their beans. So I like to post it where as many folks will see my post. Which is this thread. Again its just an opinion. No fighting!!! Haha.


oh ok I got what ya mean now lol you can, yes, I reckon. but the header says keep it brief and to the point… I would think pics etc would clutter it up some

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No reason you still couldn’t make that post after leaving feedback. I think it even mentioned in group rules about using the feedback option but its been so long I’d have to re read them

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