Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Damn. I was thinking about going for a first.

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I just gave you an air ā€˜pat on the back, a hearty hand shake and a boot to the buttā€™ to help you outā€¦


Have you guys considered that the free seed and clone thread represents the classic sociological concept of the tragedy of the commons?

ā€œthe tragedy of the commons is a situation in which individual users, who have open access to a resource unhampered by shared social structures or formal rules that govern access and use, act independently according to their own self-interest and, contrary to the common good of all users, cause depletion of the resource through their uncoordinated action.ā€
(thatā€™s the closure of the thread)

ā€œThere are some scholars that look only at the pollution that occurs in the digital environment itself. They argue that unrestricted use of digital resources can cause an overproduction of redundant data which causes noise and corrupts communication channels within the digital environment.ā€
(that would be the rollitup style drama in the free seed free clone thread, which spills out into the rest of the site)

ā€œOthers argue that the pollution caused by the overuse of digital resources also causes pollution in the physical environment.ā€
(that would be the dissemination of bad genetics)

For example,
a while ago there was a huge giveaway of ā€œstrainly markā€™s $1 per seed autoflowersā€ and that caused medical patients who accepted the gift to waste up to 20 weeks on worthless genetically inferior plants which did not autoflower or flower under 12/12 photoperiod. They could have been pulling in multiple harvests of decent usable meds in that amount of time if they hadnā€™t been given garbage genetics.

Itā€™s great to see people sharing freely, and I think everyone should have access to decent quality medical cannabis, for free.

But I think some people are getting greedy, some people just get swept up in the fun of giving away seeds and do so indiscriminately, and sometimes the people who could really benefit from free cannabis seeds sometimes end up receiving inferior genetics.

edit- Iā€™m not trying to rain on anyoneā€™s parade, Iā€™m just saying I think we could make this parade into an even greater benefit to the community.


The boots in the butt was what I really needed! Now my life is complete. Thanks JPS :pray:


No all I noticed was that while this thread was closed a whole bunch of other threads got a whole lot of love in in the last 24 hours


And we are back


Sometimes you get what you pay for, conversely, the best things in life are free.
All we are is dust in the wind, dude!

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Thanks @Northern_Loki , appreciate all your hard work.


I have found 2 meat breath seeds so farā€¦most of the half ounce still to go through.


They sure do look pretty

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The sour tangie I bought is effing delicious too.


Yeah, was praying A) that Iā€™d find some and B) theyā€™d be somewhat viable looking.

I should buy a lottery ticket.


I said that yesterday when I found these 2 outside. I should have bought a lottery ticket last night. When does the next Mega millions go off?

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Random question maybe, but how do you all preserve your seeds and for how long? Iā€™ve kind of just tossed mine in a dark bag in the fridge and itā€™s worked for NOW, but I donā€™t think it would be a good idea to ever take those out ship them out it I wanted to share/trade so looking for a better, and more sustainable (for the longetivity of the seed) way. Thanks!



Keep your seeds dark cool and dry. People have had seeds sprout after a decade with proper storage


Also as air tight as you can get emā€¦


Sounds likeā€¦ my fridge.


About the best place to store em! lol

short of maybe a cryogenic chamber? :rofl: :sunglasses: :+1:
Now, if ya happen to have one of those about, thereā€™s the real ticket!

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Seeds and pollen are in my veggie drawer lol