Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Hi @Breelie welcome to OG you have found the greatest grow community on the internet folks here are the best for real well good to meet you have a great day


You certainly arenā€™t kidding. I have never run into a more awesome group of people. Thank you and every one, I had landed on Rollitup, I quickly saw how brutal people were to one another lol, I am surprised any one had the nerve to even ask questions. And I got a pm inviting me over here andā€¦ wish I landed sooner :slight_smile: I somehow managed to survive a first grow on my own, but I wonder how much better it could have been :grimacing:. Very happy to meet you also!


I knew I recognized your pic from somewhere! RIU is the first weed growing forum I found 10 or so years ago and I have to agree the community here is outstanding.

I was on there for a few hours before thankfully getting invited to check out here. Since that was my first forum of any kind, I almost didnā€™t do it! Very glad I did.


Yeah weā€™re pretty great.


LOL, careful how loud you say RIU, many have a serious problem with that site. I still go to it but spend 99% of my time here as it is a much better environment. Not only is the community better here, so are the staff. They donā€™t allow the kind of shit show you get on RIU. That said I met some great people there and would not change my time there for the world. Did someone say RIU?



Guess Iā€™ve never came across riu. I know thereā€™s sketchy folks and con artists on strainly

you mean trollitup?

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The big problem with RIU is it is full off assholes as well as good people. They are allowed to go on group attacks that can last for hours before staff shuts them down some days, that really hurts new growers. When someone shows a messed up plant they should get support and guidance, not attaching and name calling. Than if you go to the cesspool that is their politics section, well letā€™s just say itā€™s something like this. (6)


W-E-L-C-O-M-E, WELCOME, Welcome!!! Youā€™re hereā€¦youā€™re HOME!! After I get this planned ā€œSeptember Fiascoā€ outta the way, PM your ā€œPersonalsā€. Iā€™ll put together a lil Surprise Package* for ya (havenā€™t done that in a while). If itā€™s not something you wish to grow, heck, trade them Babies to get something you really want. Anyway, thatā€™s how I roll. Again, ā€œWelcomeā€. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I was i think 15? When i found RIU and yea people there where pretty brutal. I didnā€™t really ever get involved just was there to learn how to grow weed :sweat_smile:

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Good night folks

i leaned how to grow on RIU in 2010, iā€™d hate to see how bad itā€™s gotten these daysw

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@misterbee is the epitome of OG. Thatā€™s a no-shit deal.

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hey slick1 where did you get those clips at, like to get some for myself buddy

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I won them from a local grow shop in Jersey. They charge WAY too much for them though. You can get 100 of them on Amazon for a quarter of what they charge.


ok appreciate it buddy gonna go have a look, see what i can find and thank you very much for letting me know.

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You got it. Theyā€™re definitely pretty useful!

yeah just seen a 30 pack for 10.00,

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I think I saw a 100 pack for $9 on there

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