Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

yeah im still looking at them, sure beats the hell out of trying to tie them down and stuff

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yelp found a 100 for 9.00

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Got a link

up above here on @Slick1 post

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Iā€™m skipping the bread ties and going straight for these, by the time I had decided to LST my first babies, it was a bit too late. I felt bad even just trimming leaves at first :joy:


Thanks , got me some ordered as well

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Itā€™s insane how resilient these plants are. They can come back from the brink of death, extreme pruning and over reaction to problemsā€¦and that was last week in my grow. :evergreen_tree::expressionless::maple_leaf:

Yeah what kind are they for hair? They look very effective, thanks for pointing these out

If only you could train kids that easilyā€¦


I was just saying that! I was intimidated, until I truly saw how resilient and hell bent they are on living. Definitely going into the second grow with a lot less fear I think.

:pray: AMEN to that. Mine is 3.5


Speaking of 2nd grow. Do you all wash your cloth pots before reusing, like laundry lol, or would the detergent maybe cause potential ph issues. Or just spray those bad boys out with the hose?

Bwahahaā€¦glad Iā€™m past those days.

it was @Slick1 who told me , he gets the credit for this one lol


Beautiful! Thank you! They will really help out from what you have said, its all good

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Way to rub that in. My sonā€¦. he calls me Science Pigā€¦ first offā€¦ wtf why??? And second, no woman wants to be called pig. And Iā€™m a buck twenty on a bad day. So, in conclusionā€¦ he is just a dick, with a damn good sense of humor I guess.

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Mines 10 almost 11 I believe come sept , heā€™s mostly potty trained but he is an ass so we have #1or #2 issues occasionally. He likes to go outside on his cable and bark and annoy the neighbors. Constantly telling him to shut up lol


i just spray them real good with water hose

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Oh oh, I see what you did there. :joy: