Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

I’m liking the sounds of that :smiley:


the solo 2 was one i wanted to try but i have alot on the plate now hopefully more journals of it pop up as id love to see them grown out and if any fire shows up. even the name is good solo berry! lol that was a good one

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i thought it was clever, lol. i enjoy naming the strains, it’s just one of the fun parts of pollen chucking.

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I was moving my mother in laws house worth of furniture (and a 2ed load of plants/pots) all day. This was awesome to come across when I just got back on here! a great news nightcap!
Thx @Oldjoints

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bang your heeeead. waaake the deaaad

This was my thing.



As I got older I became more eclectic. I am good from the 50’s to now.

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Highway Star - one of the first bass lines I learned…

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Looks like it’s pretty quiet in here tonight!

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yeah, it got slow quick

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@DougDawson has kept us up late the last few nights LOL

and on that note. I gotta catch some ZZ’s as well. my pup is getting ACL surgery tomorrow and gotta get him to the vet early.

g’nite my fellow growers of the mystical plant :smiley:


Somebody said eighties, next thing I know I was being rocked as if by a hurricane.


LOL, Scorpions, woo hoo.


I’m exhausted from a long day, may putter around a bit but otherwise good night OG!
:crescent_moon: :star:


Forgive me.


gotta throw some metallica in the mix


Loving every single one, is this my playlist?

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Damn I hung out with two old buddies yesterday so my comebacks are extra honed at the moment. If you had dropped this statement yesterday here someone definitely would have implied that your mom dropped a giant dookey that day too and now we have to hang out with it :laughing:

Why did Blitzkrieg Bop just start playing in my head?

Damn you would have fit right inn yesterday but also provided a ton of fuel!

I was tripping on acid once as a teenager with a a bunch of friends and we were back and forth across town all night. It was morning and light out and we decided to go to this little secluded spot by a lake we knew to smoke a joint. My one buddy had his cordless phone with him for some reason all night and was pointing it at the ducks and making quacking noises. Without fail he would pick a duck, quack at it, and it would quack back. One dude was completely mind blown so we told him that the dude with cordless phone came and talked to the ducks like this all the time and he 100% believed it, with the biggest happy shocked face ever the whole time :open_mouth: