Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

No point cloning an auto… the seed sprouting starts the clock. Any clones would flower with mom and likely be tiny…

Clone your photos… then you can veg em and grow em out , no clock ticking till you flip to 12/12

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Can’t cut clones off of autos though

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Now that I’ve thought on it, great point. I’ll know I love a new plant before I have to worry about a clone taking off. Excellent information. As long as I am fine killing babies, I am good to go.

Ohh that’s interesting as hell. No point cloning an auto unless male? Or would that cause major problems using the pollen?

Can auto be male? Can be a hermie… but would just make more hermies?

What has this thread become?


Yes, reg auto seeds produce males and females. Yes you can clone an auto but it does not make much sense being on the clock as they are. I watched a guy do it just for an experiment. It did end up with a small cola and finished fine but not worth the effort



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He is right. But if you would like to learn how that is a very fast way to do it. Auto clones are for fun. I have done them I didn’t know what I had

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Got what was needed, thanks for the input for sure.

Regular autos can produce males… most autos are offered as feminized.

A male auto is on the same clock, it’s gonna flower no matter what… but… you can collect and save pollen In the freezer…

I’m trying to learn from other growers mistakes before I want to smash the tent :joy:

The biggest problem I ever make is bad genetics and messing with stuff when I already got stuff going if you know what I’m saying

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In the end an auto and photo are basically the same thing. autos just got crossed with Ruderals which get’s them that auto flowering gene and not in need of a light flip. It’s the timer in them that makes cloning less useful but it can be done.

Right, I know all about the ruderalis and lowering of tch not having a timer etc, what I didn’t know, is that a clone wouldnt act as a fresh sprout and just be a REAL clone in time. I was thinking more along the lines of, you can clone your dog but it must be reborn as a puppy.

From the look of your ladies, there won’t be much tent smashing in your future :smiley:

@Qtip Thanks for the seeds! they must have come yesterday and I didn’t even notice



nice. my babies, lol.


Nope!! Clones are branches that grow roots…


Nice! Had no idea this is your strain, I have 3 Apollo Ape seedlings going right now

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