Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

He’s got the wife and kids deal and doesn’t want to push his luck mostly

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The seeds are collectibles, not to be grown, but preserved for when it’s legal to grow. Right?


Oh of course, the second things open up there he’s getting beans like my West VA pal


I mean a mean shrimp, chicken and sausage gumbo, I can share recipes lol


We’re gonna be best friends…

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I’ve tried so hard to source live crawfish up here but it’s impossible.

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Bro…where the heck you get those cups? Meeee likee. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


I can just go get craws from the stream out back… but they aren’t the same type, I think the ones here are the same invasive ones in Europe. North American Crayfish? Not enough on em for a boil though!

Yeah… you don’t want the frozen crap. You need to just swing by around january to one of our local fishing shops. I mean, I can grab some for you and hold on ice, they come back to life when they thaw out, but you’d probably need to come grab them!


I also, make a mean ass shrimp, chicken and sausage gumbo! How else would you make that without ALL!! :rofl: :smile: :sunglasses: :+1:

Naaaaagel!!! look what just got thrown at my door! I love it! I feel more like a grown up now :joy:


Now to fill it up! At least you’re starting off organized :slight_smile:

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You mean, your wife does.


Sick burn

All I need now is the worlds tiniest pen to write what they are.

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As I understand it (as a Canadian) in the US the seeds are legal nationwide because of the miniscule amount of THC it is legal under the hemp act. Again Canadian talking out my ass…sorry…not legal advice…sorry.:canada:

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you mean, that’s mean! he’s a certified chef LOL! :flushed: no offense!


No lol I mean I DO. When I came home, I liked to eat but didn’t want a wife, so I put myself through cooking and baking school!

She has also gotten a degree in cooking and baking, but leaves the Gumbo to me!

edit… I’ve been ‘married’ 5 times. This wife is #5. In the 70s we’d get stoned out of our gourds and wake up straight,… and married. Look at each other and say wtf did we just do??! Get annulled or divorced and still be friends. A couple of the ex’s have even partied with Rose my wife of 40 yrs now and the mother of the only kids I have.


Ohhh touché. I was kidding. I am the main cook for all my family but in dad and grandpas house the men cook, or make an excuse to come help me with something to eat my food.


Thank you for the offer.

I’m not sure why they can’t just overnight them to me on ice. Invasive maybe?

I just think it’s weird I can get bbq from San Antonio overnight but not the ole mudbugs.

Fuck now I’m hungry.

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