Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Gotcha, was unsure. I have the soloberry 2 so I will exclude myself from this one heh.

there different though incase you like sativas as the 2 is more indica i think i was told

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Ok, so for a pack of Soloberry 3, answer this first.

Which artistā€™s entire 1985 Live Aid set consisted of just a single cover song?

Go Google.

what he said. no guarantee on that though, thatā€™s just what iā€™ve seen in results so far. i think i sent @DougDawson both soloberry 2 and 3 but donā€™t remember,


Elvis costello


Is it Freddy night tonight

@Nagel420 getā€™s them.

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When do we give out growlights here?? Rofl

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LOL, nope.

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Iā€™m gonna need a biggerā€¦ lol

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3x3 will be empty this weekend. 3x4 in a month. So this isnā€™t so bad


Ok, if you won a pack of seeds send me your info and strain name, I will get them out to you 48


I swear im slipping back to 2x 10x10 rooms. Lol

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Woo buddy. 2x 10x10 rooms would be interesting to mess with lol.

Just finished prepping 1st pots for 30 bubblegum and 7 of petals crosses, only to find Iā€™ve missed the party!

Good thing I have Solo2 on hand, and PPP coming (in the fall box?)


Wow that ppp seed give away was quite confusing it was whoā€™s on first I donā€™t knows on second type giveaway. Lol


It wasā€¦ lol trying to keep it to one room. But I know meā€¦ tents donā€™t take away the need / desire for space for multiple ladies. They might be a reason I. 10x10 x2 plus the tent space. Rofl.

Would be pretty fun to have the room to grow some bigger plants.

Just trying not to hit the electric bill hardā€¦ my pup just had surgery that was an unexpected $4k so I do have to watch the budget LEDs help. And I have sooooo many halide fixtures here I just canā€™t bring myself to useā€¦ need to sell em really