Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Oof, ya 4k vet bill is pretty rough to get sprung on ya. Last time I used a MH or HPS light was about 10-11 years ago when I had my medical card back then heh.

Sb3 and black snow.

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oh, i thought you were the guy running the apollo ape as well?

I got them going too :sweat_smile:

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Funnyā€¦ last time I used them was also 10 yrs agoā€¦ been sitting downstairs since then. 3 x 400w, 5 x 250w, 2 x 250w HQIā€¦ Used to keep reeftanks

Yeah pup blew his ACL chasing groundhogsā€¦ the irony? We fix his blown all, but Iā€™ve had a blown atf ligament for 4 years nowā€¦ go figure!

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Just culled a couple male apes.

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@EugeneDebs420 any females left?

Lol at least the dog is trying to live his life to the fullest.

Heā€™s my only childā€¦ trust me,he lives life to the fullest for sure!!

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Slow ( and confusing) night here huh? lol Just 151 posts! Always at it I see there @DougDawson !! Awesome of you, forever giving out seeds, cuz! I had to start laughing at the first giveaway! Youā€™ve given out so many of the PPP that almost everyone has them! No one wanting to be grabby and letting others have a chance for them made for a hell of a confusing setup thoughā€¦ :rofl: BUT, simply awesome display of that OG spirit in here, with everyone willing to let the others have em! Also, as usual, congrats to the winners of the DDtrivia!


Are the Durban Poison and the CBD from you? Uncleā€¦? Could they be? lol!

It was you!!! A thousand thanks!! Lovely!! Feel like a big kid!! LOL!! Iā€™m swamped with beans! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Purple tastes like purple Koolaid. The ingredients? Sugar, water, purple!

Sometimes itā€™s fun to just play for the sport of it :smile: Plus you gotta flex on everyone once in a while!

Morning all!


Morning all my fellow OGers! @Qtip thank you for the kind offer/suggestion last night that I get those PPP seeds. Very OG of you, however I was in the same boat and didnā€™t want to be greedy as I should be on the list to receive already :blush: plus after my wife seeing me get frustrated trying to get the answer typed, she decided to distract me before bed!!:wink:


Ahh. .I see who the REAL winner was now!


Lol, yeah it was interesting. Should have seen it coming with so many signed up for these PPP already.


hopefuly no one double dips considering the ~150 signupsā€¦
a year ago, seemed like PPP pollen was flowing everywhere.

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Morning boys and girls.

Hope everyone enjoys this fine Thursday.


If most people are like the ones who were on last night, I doubt there will be double dippers. Many were aware they were signed up for fall box, already getting em from elsewhere and said ā€œlet someone else have at 'emā€.

Actually impressed me last night, @DougDawson almost had to beg people to take them. LOL.


So far the only ones to show sex were 2 male apes. Theyā€™re hanging out in my shower right now.

I went and looked up and down the ppp seed list and couldnā€™t find my name. If I have signed up for seed run, please disregard as I have won the amazing, signature, bespoke, small batch PPP seeds last night! :last_quarter_moon_with_face:

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