Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

Yep, all done. I’ll update my original post to show that they have been given out.


Come by the place here, @MoBilly and I’ll give you a pack of Vietnam Da Lat I got from Guitarzan that I’m not going to be able to grow until next spring, so you might as well have em!

edit… There’s20 of em and I’ll split with you for a 10pk each… plus burn one …lol or two

lol didn’t realize I had that many. so we can each have a good bit.


Well I don’t have room for them in my next run like I said so I was trying to have restraint :smile: I’m just really interested in some short flowering autos at the moment. I just traded for some Sour 60 too. The fast plant thing is calling me!

Man I’m trying to show restraint here!


lol I know, seen a few on the giveawys here in the past month! But, I’m restraining myself…barely!


All Good. That’s the same one Iwas offering [ by Mark on STR.\

  • I have a S60 x Monster Kush that I haven’t been able to grow yet
    .hunting plants that keep short time but add kush structure.

Is this a giveaway for a free PAR meter? I’m in!


That would be cool plus sour x kush is usually a good time anyway. Fast finishing is just icing on the cake.

We are planning that trip brother. The blasted part for the transmission in my jeep is not available in the US even in the dealerships. I’m actually thinking about borrowing a ride for a couple of days so we can shake hands.

Mark on Strainly is a nice guy, But…his ‘autos’ aren’t ‘autos’, rather ‘fast finish photoperiod’ he’ll be the first to tell you they have to be ‘triggered’ by changing the light cycle to 12/12…this means just a fast photo lol not auto


Do they have to stay under 12/12 once triggered though?

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What part do you need/looking for?

No idea I bought them from him with him telling me they were ‘Autos’… tossed em outta the barn into the open sun. He didn’t tell me they needed to be ‘triggered’ until after. Even if you can stick them into 24 hour lighting after triggering, it still doesn’t make them Autos lol but like I said just fast finish photos

edit… I was pretty disgusted so still don’t care…they do whatever they do


absolutely correct - they have ruderals genes in them and so they are Photos and REG
they need worked a couple GENS to make FEM and then isolate to AUTO.

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Damn busted tranny sux…been there. Well no biggie cuz they not going anywhere and here when ya want to try coming.

LOL, no. smoke

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Come Mid-September, you better get a new pair of “Dancing Shoes”, a “B I G Shindig” is gonna pop off!!! No Bare Feet on the Dance Floor. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


no bare feet? well hell that lets me out…ol country boy here

lol Yeah I know, and looking forward to it!


Sending PM.

Big thanks to @Sebring. Received my order of Bohdi Spirit Train today and a while back my Forum Stomper. That DIY greenlife site is almost always sold out but if you can catch it when in stock it sure works well.


These were supposedly ‘fem’ but they still need working with to make them into Autos
I’ve got probably 7-10 packs of Mark’s That I’m going to be offering up for trades when I get around to it

edit… no offense @misterbee lol you sent them to me in a trade type deal. But they’re not what I need atm, good strains, just not what I’m needing lol