Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

That’s what I did with my Bubble Gum. ot sure what you would call them but, photos when light is increased, they re-veg, not continue to flower under 18/6. Just my experience, with some of my personal experiments :v:t4:


I have a pack of GG4 x Marks Bubblegum coming, I’m not sure if that same technique would work or not. From what I remember the GG4 is regular photo with Bubblegum “auto” pollen


If it’s from @corey, It’s from the same pollen. It’s a regular auto Bubble Gum pollen, crossed with the GG4. Sounds like an awesome cross. I can’t wait to give it a whirl :v:t4:


Thank you @DougDawson for the new ones below…! Is the Early Miss an Auto (does this A mean that?)? the Lemon Pie I’d say is a reg, right!! Lovely! You rock it!


Yep :+1: never had any GG4 of any kind so I’m for sure looking forward to it

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got a couple of big THANK YOU’s to give out… got my Spirit Train from @Sebring today, along with these… anyone recognize? looked through my messages and can’t figure it out… :thinking: Gods Master Kush would’ve been amazing had they not been crushed! :woozy_face: :sleepy: :sob: either way, still very grateful and thankful!

Sorry to hear that. Not cool.

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I believe the lemon pie is a reg and the early miss was supposed to be an auto. The one I grew did not auto so I had to flip the lights. I would suggest you treat it like a photo. It defiantly has potential and those are fem seeds. The writeup says it’s Big Bud and the original White Widow. There is a pic of the one I popped filling my 4x4 tent here.

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Beautiful!!! Thanks!

While we’re at it, who should I thank for these gems!? :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :stuck_out_tongue: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

A huge Thank you to @Kcity87 OGenerosity all the way!


Maybe @Bullskinner?

Edit, just checked my growlog. Most likely came from @Kcity87


shhh… this thread is on quiet mode tonight LOL…

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Of course, already went downstairs, spent time with the ladies, tossed a few seeds in my JohnnyPotSeed 2000, watered / fertilized and fawned over trich shots on the microscope. And everybody is quiet. At least my dog is bugging me, but not sure why. He’s on enough pain meds he should be loopy, he’s gone out and done his business… Must be he just wants some lovin (not so sure he likes the pain meds).


He doesn’t self medicate? My cat does if I let her near my plants

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This one doesn’t. No interest. I have had previous boxers who would follow a bowl around the room though. Loved your exhales, would lick the air, then get baked (white boxer, pink around the eyes would get deep red). One even did bong hits (I said it was impossible, my friend proved me wrong). He pulled most of a hit, pulled out the slide and blew in where the slide had been, dog just went to town on the tube / smoke pouring out…

Sadly, his pain meds now are for ACL surgery that he had on Tuesday. Poor boy has his whole leg stitched up now, and 2 x 80lb test lines helping his ACL do its job…


What happened? Sounds like an accident of sorts for that type of damage


That’s a banana that’s had a whiskey or two.

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