Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

to be honest, dont know if it’s a bodhi strain, youd have to ask @catapult on that. they are photo regs


Sounds good to me

the first to answer correctly wins the BPS x SL …
What was the name of the last visible comet that passed us?

ignore me. i was also wrong, lol

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Like I need more seeds

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Hale Bopp….

Atlas? I don’t remember

well @Stevie1durr they’re yours if you want them. @anonymous4289 you crack me up :rofl:


Thanks old school but I think @Sasquatch might be right

A little deeper digging says neowise was visible last month


yeah it looks like neowise i think

Give them to @Sasquatch


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or maybe it is still hale-bopp, i’m confused.

Doesn’t matter, like you I was really just playing for fun

Think it’s Hale Bopp, Neowise will have to wait a few mellenia to see…

new question
? lol

Ya, neowise not here yet

Take them, grow them, show us the results :laughing:

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Neowise was visible last July I think

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i just read on google it was closest to earth on july 23rd 2020 and Could be seen as a fuzzy object with the unaided eye… so in all technicality @Sasquatch IS right.