Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

i have enough seeds, don’t need anymore really. i’m waitin on a pack from @DougDawson and once i get those i’ll be busy with making f2s and breeding and whatnot. people could use them more than me.


Led Zeppelin, I cheated and stole OTUGs stolen answer.

LOL, I was just sitting here thinking, answer no seeds :thinking: That didn’t help the contest :rofl:


Ok redo, redo. I promise I ‘Won’t get fooled again’ :joy:


hey, maybe he would have missed them if it weren’t for me, lol. oldtimer gives away plenty of seeds, it’s good to see him win some too. @DougDawson @Oldtimerunderground

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Almost all’s fair in seed warz!


:heart: outta likes but I am laughing my ass off right now :joy:


LOL, I am laughing my ass off here.

Right on.tup

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Thanks man, I feel like I’ve been slacking though. Been a bit cautious after this place got weird and turned into a zoo for that short time.

I was gonna pass out 10 minutes ago, but I’m too messed up for that right now and my back still killin me.

Time to give away some seeds!! Lol.


If you steal something from a thief, is it still considered stolen? Or is it like some Robin hood type shit? Lmaooo

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Doesn’t it depend on who you ask?

Ok, well I yield the floor to watch rollitup

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Well, In this case. It’ll be some really good weed!

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No, ok, first to call dibs gets the Stoney Buloney x Molokia Frost.

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dibs! just kidding, already got it.

Who’s got good weed? Growers at overgrow is who.

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Well, in theory. I haven’t actually received it yet.

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Dibs! Yes! I get it!


Dibs! Awww man, @MarijuanaEnthusiast beat me :yum:


Is it something you would like? I’m willing to share

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