Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

I’ve heard that Stoney Baloney gives mean cotton mouth!

Def. want to try this strain.

It depends on where the loot goes.

LOL, I make no promises on the mail speed.

@MarijuanaEnthusiast get’s the Stoney Buloney x Molokia Frost.

As for @Oldtimerunderground , he doesn’t need to call anything. He is always a simple ask away from my seed stash.


Your gesture brings a tear to my eye bro 🥲

I appreciate it, but I’m more than good. Your kindness will not be forsaken!!!


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Doug take your time! They’ll get here when they do. Appreciate your kindness/generosity. I’m more grateful to have something coming. It’s nice to have Mail arrive once in awhile, even better when surprised! Thanks!

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Congrats @MarijuanaEnthusiast

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Thanks for considering to share! I would’ve kindly denied anyways. You’re kind and welcome to OG! it’s a curiosity high I’ve been after is all.

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No worries bud, appreciate the kind words.

Just gave @Oldtimerunderground my last like :roll_eyes:

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Same!! If you ever need an organ, God forbid, I would gladly offer you mine. It might not work 100% :joy: but I would still offer it.


I hate when that happens.

I shared one. :facepunch:

at least trade some seeds for it, lol

48 beer3|nullxnull

I hate when that happens too

7 more hours and I can like again :heart:

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Yeah, but I only have 1 organ that can fit in a coin flip. Don’t think my wife would be too happy me giving away that one…well, maybe not :rofl:


I remember my first day here… I was sad after not be able to comment or like… being limited given I was so new. Now I’m more established! Been here for over a month!

I feel pretty hopped up on sour diesel and monster lol

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That depends. are you trading up?? LOL

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Anything would be a trade up :laughing: it would be like trading the smallest auto you could find for a pure sativa :joy: jokes

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