Free Seeds & Free Clones Thread Vol. 5 (Part 5)

First one to guess the number, wins a 6 pack of Point Break - photo regs

I’ll post the pic with number when someone guesses it right :grin:

Hmm…74 maybe?

I’m gonna say 24

74 …is it it

16 for me damn chars

Dang 76 isn’t taken

73 is my next guess

Is it 9 maybe

56, no seeds for me though

perhaps its 36

87 is my guess…

How about 13 ?

or maybe 42

How about 42 the answer to everything


maybe even 76

Lol slow down @Nagel420 only 1 guess per minute haha

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Lol umm 89

55 is my first guess

lol. thats pretty much all my lucky numbers… so if I didnt hit it on them… its someone elses bounty :smiley:

42 is my guess