Free Testers for Canadians (sorry to the rest)

For sure the Sweet Skunk coming through there! In the future when I have more space(s) I’d love to do a monocrop of the sweet skunk and run it as fresh frozen, I bet it would yield heavily and be great hash.


Thanks man! Hopefully later down the line I’ll be able to open this up to everyone

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I’m starting to make the list of who wants what. Get in if you’re interested! If there isnt enough interest I might throw in a 3rd pack of my choice to get more out there. I should be able to get the first round sent this weekend/next week.

@sprinklememaynee @estab87 don’t worry about the timing, I’ve got you in the list so just follow up when you’re ready to pop em.


Thanks so much @Fitzera - watching this thread and will keep you up to date once I am able to pop.

Really appreciate the great detail and photos that went into the post describing all of these.


Yeah man, I want people to know what to expect. I always want as much detail as I can get when I buy seeds, I like to delve into the background of the lines used.


It seems like privnote is to go to for sending info, im not 100% sure how thay works yet but I’m gonna look into that now.


Super simple, basically you get sent a link that will have their address in it, and it will self destruct after opening it, so you can only see the address once.

I just sent one in your DMs if you need to test it out. If you need me to send another let me know :slight_smile:


All good, got it down! I wasn’t sure if it would disappear before I had it down…reminds me of a cartoon that the paper would self destruct, but I can’t remember what it’s from lol


I really really like the sound of sweet ape cabbage and chocolate rhino if there’s any of those left?

Thanks for the great giveaway!


There sure are! I expect that Sweet Ape Cabbage to get lots of purple! I’ll pencil you in


Can i do the shaman haze and the gorilla v rhino please fitzera? I am going to flower out my black candyland in 2 weeks and these will be next.


Yes you can! Penciled in momentarily


I just want to say Fitz is both an amazing gardener and guy! Really happy to see you on OG Fitz!


Thanks man, I’m happy you welcomed me or I might not have stuck with it. Change can be hard but it’s been so worth it.


Last call for the first shipment
I’m going to get these out either tomorrow or the weekend, but most likely tomorrow…I need to get out of the house for some fresh air!

Also there is a reduced number of packs on a couple of the strains listed, im donating a few packs listed and non listed to @TopicalWave 's charity auction. I’ll let him post what’s available when he does.


All sent, regular letter mail. Hopefully everything makes it safe and sound!


Man you definitely have some winners here, I’d love to test some out for you but with what I have going on it may be a bit so hopefully they are still available in the future.


I hope to keep this going for the long haul. I have many ideas and plans for future pollen chucks and as long as I keep making them, I’ll need others to help me pop em!


I’m too new here, potentially to recieve but I am going to ask nonetheless. My room/tents build and introduction on 420 say a lot about me. I’ll link m here.

I’m having some issues just getting seeds after setting up two 5x5 flower tents with kingbrite 1100 watt in each one. I’m running dwc, pretty much a GrowDoctor acolyte having copied a large number of his DIYs including insulated 2x17 and 2x27 gallon reservoirs and a low-press. aeroponic cloner to feed the beast. I’m running co2 from my winemaking, my mushroom farming into the tent and have a tank, regulator and controller setup plugged in to make sure its always topped off at 1500ppm. I’m moving from outdoor to DWC (was the dream while carrying bat-shit on my back and evading helicopters that one day I would build a laboratory in-house to grow monster plants. The day has dawned and I can’t figure out what seeds might suit popping this dank laboratory’s cherry. I’m also quite limited in my payment type for the online seed houses and its really made for a bottleneck because I am ready to grow with gas. Consider helping me out, out here in Victoria BC, and I’ll be sure to scratch back! I’ll upload a pic or two in another post… best regards, regardless, because it’s great to be a (Dutch) Canadian, eh!


Fuckin rights! There is some fire in there boys.