Free Testers for Canadians (sorry to the rest)

Wish I had the time or space to run these out! Amazing list


Since you mentioned my auction fundraiser, I hope you dont mind if I tell people its for the Edmonton Food Bank (via direct donation, so 100% of proceeds go right to them), April 1-7. I will probably have around 50 strains on offer… really I should have something for everyone. Its going to be on my Instagram @TopicalWave.

Donations from lots of OG’s like @Fitzera, @Oldtimerunderground, @BasementBeans, @CoastalMarySeeds; unreleased strains from Green Mountain Seeds, and Terpene Time and so much more. It’s even better than my last one I think.

The biggest Canadian donator will get some extra homemade jam and some of my Mindblower Haze flower, plus maybe a few very special seeds. Cheers.


Welcome! As I said in my first post, this is open to trust level 2 and higher. And to be honest, it would be preferable if youve completed a grow already in your new indoor setup. From experience, it took me some time dialing in dwc let alone the whole setup in general.

But have no fear, I’ll be around for some time and expect to keep this offer going indefinitely. In the meantime there are other avenues to procure seeds, is a great example. Cost you nothing more than some postage stamps, envelopes and your time. Also, once you’ve got your trust level up, other options on this site will become available to you as well.

It will great if you stick around OG, maybe start a thread here as well. I have a couple forums I stick to and tend not to venture to the rest. I did check out what you’ve got going and it is clear you are covering all your bases.

Best of luck and do come back to my thread, the door is always open :v::green_heart::seedling:


I think it’s really cool what you’re doing and I hope you get lots of traffic! The next post I see on IG I’ll repost it to try and help get the word out!

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Thanks for taking the time mate. I took the swing knowing that the worst that’d happen was an opportunity to pop my head over the parapet and say hey. My lurks at OG have always been entertaining AF, and I’m going to take the time to be a little more involved, and find the deep water crazies like myself who just can’t let well enough alone and do things the easy way. My only hydro experience is very atypical. My buddy had a bad accident and so for some months I found myself trying to run a full-on small commercial guerilla show with mothers in dirt, scrog-bound cuttings rooting in deep water, and I think everything else was flood trays (was a long time ago, the deets are fading). It was crazy. Talk about the deep end. I’d only toured the place once, but we were remote and the circumstances were, well, the circumstances. Scary story short, the biz survived and so did my buddy. He came home 5 months later a different guy and had to relearn a lot but I think that garden did a lot for his eventual therapy. The internet at that time might as well have not even existed for all the help it had to give, we’re talking about the previous century here. I was outdoor-only, and for that matter remote-only. I only saw my plants twice other than planting and cutting… point being, I didn’t exactly come to the situation with a full skill set! However, making it work with all those chips on the table really inspired a decades-long craving for a personal hydro-lab of my own that, thanks to federal legality in Canada, I have finally made a real. For all the people who say, “This is like watching grass grow”, when they’re bored I recommend growing grass in deep water. My bet is they’ll switch up their euphemism to something like, “…watching paint dry”… which, if you’ve ever sprayed your own car, happens to in fact be another brand of self-imposed terror. X0… Anyway, I tend to ramble. Thanks again, I appreciate the message. See all you freaks and geeks on the interwebs!


Sweet Northernberry (Northernberry x Skunkberry) sounds interesting. :thinking:


For sure man, and like I said the door is always open. And again, seeing what you’ve done for your setup, you’re really going at it from every angle and that’s awesome. I hope everything works out right off the bat! Only piece of advice I can give from my experience, watch your water temps. Mine were too high and root rot was an ongoing problem. But I also wasn’t running a sterile system and that probably would have been key. I ended up buying a chiller which helped immensely. But my last and current line of work have me away much too often and for too long to be able to run any sort of hydro system so I switched up everything so that it would work with me rather than against me.

Keep us updated, I’ll follow if you start a log here!

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Right?! Two of what I consider his main lines (nl and ss) with a double helping of Blueberry? I don’t know if they’d be massive bushes or tall massive bushes lol.

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All of the Peak Seeds stuff I have tried has all been killer stuff! :slightly_smiling_face:


I agree! The Sweet c99 was phenomenal! I’d love to run it again, but I’ve got 21 different things from Mike. I really need to try the ones I havent yet. Soo many seeds and strains and not nearly enough space or time.


You clearly got some underground material from him!
I can only imagine! :drooling_face:


I think most of its been available to everyone but through email rather than the website. I had gotten alot of his early stuff and then when he started working with his Haze cutting I grabbed a couple things. Then based on how much I liked the Haze crossed to the sweet Skunk and him shutting down and not having any of his kush stuff, I grabbed a bunch of things. It’s an addiction and I dont have any regrets!


Thank you @Fitzera - I was welcomed by these in my mailbox today, and even with an extra surprise - what a treat, thank you!

Thank you again. Looking forward to running these later this year.


Right on! I’m so happy they’re landing safe and sound. I upgraded to vials after many seeds smashed in the mail.


Thank you so much @Fitzera the third strain is amazing! I am convinced we both have very similar tastes. Super excited to get these going as soon as I can.


Awesome!! I’m excited these are almost all landed now!

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I’ll take sweet northern berry, Gorilla vs Rhino
Or Chocolate rhino. Either one of those if they are still available.


Sorry bud, while they are available I stated in the OP you need to be trust level 2 or higher. Do stick around, the door is always open!

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That Mountain B from Bodhi has my attention. I’d be down to do small run outdoors this season. In BC at latitude 52. Can find grow portf. on Insta.

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That sounds interesting! I can’t make any gaurentee any of my crosses will finish for you though so keep that in mind. I know your conditions are different than mine at about the same latitude, but I know here I would be looking at Oct harvest and that’s impossible.

So I can’t in good faith recommend any of mine but you’re welcome to try!