From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

OK quick update : I’m pretty sure this is day 59 here on the TS. Going to pull it tomorrow at day 60. Seems like it’s only going to deteriorate from here. Looks ready to me, smells good and ready plus the visible seeds inside are ripe.

Diff lighting / wb shots of same bud. Both look a little off compared to in person to me.


SSDD #3 looking extremely leafy with purple stems. Frost levels aren’t too bad and has a chemmy aroma

SSDD #2 - fully seeded


Chopped 1 of the TS down @ Day 60 . Will pull the other one if calyxes start deteriorating but will try to let it go at least another week.


Trip Sun C

Waking Dream (wifi x ssdd)

Trip Sunshine A contrasted w/ Nspectas TK (s1?) picture. Looks fairly similar but not exact.

image taken from


Well that didn’t last long. Calyxes are starting to turn golden brown already, most noticeable on the seeded calyxes. Can sort of see what I’m talking about in this picture here

It’s very noticeable in person, so I figure now is the time.


Yeah, I noticed that in the last round of pics, wasn’t sure if they were seeded or not. I didn’t wanna ask haha, just because I really am trying to keep up here, but I definitely noticed lots of withering pistils in the previous pics.

I think I’ve said this before, too, but I think Withering Pistils would be a good band name haha.


Ya it’s definitely seeded. The other stuff with withering pistils I’m not 100% on but wouldn’t be surprised. Definitely never want to bring a flowering male into the female flowering area again if viable pollen is going to be perpetually floating around now haha.


Depending on the seed density within those calyxes, you might leave it a little longer unless you need them for smoke. You will never hurt anything but letting them go longer, but you might not get as many viable seeds by pulling them early. I tend to let them go a full 2 weeks after I see the calyxes doing that.

Here, for instance:



Appreciate you stopping in, thanks for the input also!

A friend going through some tough times was donated the majority of my backup flower so ya I’d like at least a mason jar to hold me over until next harvest.

If I get like 20 seeds (which I know I will from the preflowers alone) I’ll be happy enough. Eventually I want to make some F2s of Trip Sun to explore but I’m not too thrilled about the intersex SSDD male that these are pollinated by. Haven’t gotten any indication there’s community interest in any of these beans so I’m just looking at it based on what I’d pop realistically. My SSDD “keeper” and SSDD #2 seeds will be allowed to ripen much longer (though I have no interest in the SSDD #2 either)

SSDD “bubbashine pheno” seeds ripening. Not pulling this one.

SSDD #2 - seeds ripening and calyxes turning brown/purple.

Triple Sunshine C


Trying hard not to pre-judge stuff before it’s ready and to keep an open mind. I’m most interested and excited about the Triple A but everything else still has potential in my eyes (other than SSDD #2).

SSDD #3 frost starting to pop a bit more and smells are really improving. Creamy chemmy funk smell. I like it, but still prob not enough to keep. Will wait to test effects on both the SSDD #3 / Waking Dream probably regardless, but I really don’t like how leafy it is.

Stems seem to turn purple easy on this one also and doesn’t appear to be related to nutrient levels.

This one actually is starting to remind me of one of my SSDDs from my first pack, only leafier. I think this one may actually smell a bit better but I don’t trust my memory enough on that.

Old SSDD that it reminds me of from like 2018(guess)


Triple Sunshine C - Continuing to pile on the frost . Not a whole lot of smell on this one yet, but it’s a bit early still. Get hints of juicy fruit gum on leaf rub still.

Waking Dream. - Small , leafy , frosty buds. Smells like generic “good” cannabis. From memory it’s a bit sour, old coins, citrus.


Just letting you know I haven’t forgot about the smoke reports mostly completed but been chaotic the past few weeks my dads been in the hospital and just had emergency surgery I will say the smoke has surprised me in a good way will get them posted asap much love @syzygy


Damn dude sorry to hear that, that really sucks when life throws you into those kinds of situations. Hoping you posting here means he’s doing better. Don’t worry about rushing out a report on my account, whenever / if you get to it, if not no big deal. I’m just glad the nanner issue didn’t ruin your crop.


Not a single seed found yet I’m thinking sterile anthers on it and might even be my favorite out of the 3 after some cure time, he’s doing a bit better currently but not out of the woods fully but he had one successful surgery out of 3 that will be needed long road ahead but taking it moment by moment and they will get posted something I enjoy doing :blush:


Was visiting my friend today and he was excited to inform me that his (non-cannabis) plant is covered in predatory mites. Camera says otherwise… Always feels like I’m playing with fire going near my plants after being around stuff like this. I take precautions but even showering and changing clothes has me paranoid after seeing severe infestations.

Hard to get a good shot in the lighting conditions and being handheld. The speed these nymphs were moving I nearly believed they were predators…Never seen two-spotted spider mites move so quickly before.

So I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days because I’m going to have to germinate soon. Will be gambling on low numbers hoping for a female or 2 per cross. Rather not put all my eggs in one strain basket this run.

Very small numbers (2-3) of

Field Trip GSC x SSDD - I still am really interested in this one and can’t shake my curiousity.

Baba Kush - Bubba Kush x SSDD - IAY’s growlog of this one looked incredible and all plants looked appealing to me. I suppose I could do some Pre 98 bubba kush S1s instead but Baba Kush seems like it’s probably a safer bet.

Lav Jack - Jack Herer x Wookie 15 – feeling less and less excited about this one after the discussion about smell, but Bodhi’s Jack H seems to get a lot of praise across the forums

Also considering adding one of the following in order of interest

Chem 91 SkunkVA x SSDD - - would probably be a good idea to give some chem genetics a try again.

Sun RA - Still wish I kept my cedar pheno

SSDD keeper F2
Triple Sunshine A x SSDD #1 - curious on both

Going to pull the SSDDs soon as we approach day 70. Seeds are ripe and the one I tested germinated fine.

SSDD mother looking a bit rough. Don’t intend to consume any of it anyways.



Wha’d your friend say when you informed him that those were not, in fact, predatory mites? Haha.

I just read Iamyou’s update; sounds like you kind of have to plant some of those Baba’s, right? The Chem/SSDD sounds interesting, too.


He commented on how fast they were moving and insisted they were predators, so I went to my car and got the TG6 and it was clear they were two-spotted haha. I’m always paranoid as hell about something hitching a ride but so far I’ve been lucky…

Ya everything he grew out looked awesome to me and sounds like what I’m after. Seems a safer bet than germinating some Twenty 20 Pre 98 S1s as well. At this rate I figure I’ll want to try some non-ssdd crosses but so far I’ve been really happy with everything I’ve tried. Even the Waking Dream is now starting to look pretty good.

These 2 Chem 91 skva x ssdds that @bytheKasiz posted last fall looked really interesting to me…


I would be, too, man. I’m supposed to swing by supershit’s place (I’m the one who keeps flaking haha) at some point soon, haven’t decided if it’ll be at his house or his shop yet, but I’m like,”Didn’t you mention something about aphids a while back…?” haha.

I agree. I dunno why I’m so opposed to S1’s etc, but I am haha. And that anecdote that Iamyou mentioned about everybody enjoying the Baba Kush seems like that makes it the easy choice.


Yes, you are playing with fire
That’s exactly how I got an infestation a couple years ago…
Clothes changes and showers are the way to go.



Oh I think I probably poorly worded that - I am showering and changing clothes but even that doesn’t feel sufficient when exposed to insane levels of infestation. Probably is good enough because I’ve still yet to get mites that way yet, but still makes you feel like jumping in a pool of bleach or something after being around that many mites haha.



Pleased to present, for your consideration, Mr. Varuna, serious and successful horticulturalist of over thirty years, who is not quite alright today. Yesterday and its memories of a miteless existence is what he wants. And yesterday is what he’ll not be receiving, for you see Mrs. Varuna’s profession is just that, a wrangler of insects, and not just any my friends, no, of the arachnid two spotted variety. In order not to be crushed by defeat Mr. Varuna will have to escape from his greenhouses, and make his debut on another stage in another world, that we call the Twilight Zone.


Been testing the pre-cure Triple Sunshine A all yesterday + night.Never had tk so no clue how much of that is present and would be foolish to read too much into a pre-cure day of sampling. Reminds me a lot of my favorite K4 x SSDD right now though. Lots of seeds are present and mature, I already picked out like 50 from what I consumed yesterday.

Will obviously post a review once cured and more familiar with it but early impressions are favorable. In person it looks pretty frosty too and is very sticky.