From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Tip of the hat, I’ve been lurking from a far. Amazing photos throughout. Its addicting once you start taking them. :joy:

Great job all around! The Triple Sunshine C and Waking Dream are looking incredible for day 60. Looking forward a smoke report.

All the people who get to run these will be very happy. Happy chucking! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Awesome glad to have you here! Lurkers definitely welcome to seeds if interested too which is why I’m using the ‘liked any post in this thread prior’ strategy. Doesn’t even have to be one of my posts, just shows a general interest in the topic and helps filter a bit haha.

SSDD #1 Male threw pistils and offspring could potentially have intersex issues.

The SSDD Bubbashine pheno has been stress tested numerous times and have never seen as much as a nanner. High levels of frost on the mother. Medium calyx to leaf ratio. Dreamy and sedative smoke when taken past 70 days.

Triple Sunshine A has had no nanners the one time it’s been grown out.

SSDD #2 is purple tinted with light smells and mildly leafy. Least interesting to me. No nanners found.

SSDD #3 smells pretty good but is very leafy. Have seen a similar pheno before in my original pack of SSDD from 2015. No nanners found.


Thanks for warm welcome, I am definitely interested when they are ready. I’m starting some Lazy lighting to make a cross in my next run. :sunglasses: :crossed_fingers: Hopeful for some winners.


Well, thanks to HolyAngel’s thread and work, I’ve been following along here because I’m interested in all things SSDD.


i’m highly interested in the SSDD bubbashine, hopefully some nerve pain relief in that 1


I’m interested in reversing my SSDD F2 #1 onto your bubbashine cut, or vice versa :wink:


That one sounds really nice. Was a freebie for so long @ GLG but never when I ordered. Bodhi’s freebies have been some of my favorites. Off the top of my head Devil’s HP , SunRa , Kush 4 x SSDD were all freebies at one point and some of my favorites. Watching your thread now, very interested to see how that one turns out.


There are by far the most seeds with the SSDD mother so there will be plenty of those to go around when the time comes. SSDD #2 is the second most numerous but to me that one seems like it’s probably going to end up getting scattered around on dog walks.

Two small plants of the SSDD bbs mother were fully seeded and I only really need / want ~50 seeds for storage. No clue if that pheno has pain killing effects as I’m usually not in pain and it’s not my #1 go to jar. For me the Trip Sunshine A did actually have pain killing properties in the form of acting almost as a mild muscle relaxer.

Everyone who has sampled the SSDD bbs mother locally has really liked it but personally the ultra dreamy and sedative effects often are at odds with my lifestyle when I am able to consume. I like the effects but currently I prefer the generic effects I get from B’s ssdd male more. Days when I’m stuck inside on days off and can’t take the dogs is when SSDD bbs seems more appropriate for me (think snow days or heavy rain).

Not a hoarding impulse at all but cuts both in / out violate my security practices at the moment sadly until the legal climate changes. I’ve gotten some highly appreciated generous offers on cuts from various members here and it was very difficult to turn them down to say the least :frowning: . If you need F2s or even some SSDD F1s on the other hand…


Nice, All those sounds great!
Lazy lightning is my first bodhi pack. Sun Ra was on my radar as well. In the future I hope to pick up some Electric cowboy, Afgooey x wookie , Chem Kasey, and Thunder Wookie to name a few.


Oh I’d send you pollen if anything. No worries tho, was just a random thought :slight_smile:


I would definately have interest if you end up with some to spare when all said and done. Full disclosure im not without SSDD beans as I did find F2s from a source outside OG. It may however be advantageous to have some diversity.
Im particularly interested in the Bubbashine leaners as thats where it seems to produce the pain relief.
The Triple Sunshine A also is very appealing.
I prefer if you’d except something in trade though even if you chuck em around on a dog walk!


Absolutely. Doesn’t bother me and whatever you’d wanna do with em including culling them or hoarding for a potential project that may never happen. I didn’t breed the strain and Bodhi’s policy on deadlined stuff is extremely relaxed as well and extends to these chucks; ie do whatever you want with them haha. Agree with you on the diversity point.

Similarly I’m gonna keep some of the SSDD #2 f2s around for that reason as well but realistically will probably never germinate them, however you never know…


I’d love love to get my hands on some of that bubbashine brother!!
Just saying :wink:


thats funny i was going to ask, you found some cedar thats cool but i abandonned the post, but yeah dude cedar is a amaaazing smell and i havnt found it

your pictures and plants look amazing as always


I went through 3 packs of the SFVxWookie and only got the 1 cedar pheno. Not sure if @BeagleZ pheno retained the cedar into cure but apparently he found one as well. To me it’s not overly potent but just a really nice uplifting summertime herb. Louder and more flavorful than goji with a similar enough high. Hillbill on RIU claimed to have found a lot of cedar in the wookie crosses for what it’s worth, no idea if it’s coming from w15 or the sfv. I’ve had multiple people tell me they’ve found really high potency in that line but effects and potency were pretty uniform across the phenos for me. Lots of variance in height, smells and morphology.


I read the Wookie can bring the cedar scents. Diff. people who grew Terpenado spoke of getting either strawberry or cedar phenos from it.


Oh shit now i remember finding cedar in the terpenadoes! strawberry cedar ov all things, didn’t translate to the taste too good tho, insane smell, only had two females


I need to get back in the jar but I just had a leg on the beach and I’m pretty damn lifted lol!

The potency on this one seems pretty damn strong to my head :crazy_face: definitely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:this one.

I’ll be back in a bit with a sniff test, I have a little jar in my satchel up at the house.

Edit: I’m back and it’s still got the cedar love going on :slight_smile:


Ya I’m not trying to imply that it’s a low potency strain, just not the strongest I’ve ever had and didn’t really stand out that much in that area. Stronger than most dispensary nugs that I’ve consumed. In moderate to low doses the effects are clear and functional for me. Don’t have to be as careful with it at work as my old Space Monkey keeper. It’s definitely one of the favorites. Seems like it would be my #1 choice to take to the beach!


Hoping this bedding mix I quickly made up does OK for the worms that should be arriving any day now. Shredded leaves / old compost / straw / rice hulls / coco coir + chopped comfrey & some oyster shell flour.

Waking Dream trichome inspection :

Baba Kush seedlings aren’t doing so well. My fault on them as they all popped open without issue. Having utility work being done and had to relocate them temporarily. Domed them so they wouldn’t dry out and the one has pretty floppy / weak stems as a result. Lav Jacks all look fine. Will pop replacement baba kush seeds probably if that 3rd one doesn’t open.


Good luck bud! Where did you order your worms from?