From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Couple of which
  • Vanilluna F2
  • Vanilluna F3 - Mutant
  • Vanilluna F3 - Non-Mutant

0 voters

A few more pictures. Most are from around 2013, some earlier. I think the non muts may have been from 2015.

Vanilll F2 - Using rice hulls as mulch 10 years ago!!

Non mut

Mutants - different phenos

bb x van ~ 2010-11 - LED light bleached areas went from white bleaching to neon pink… Kind of cool… Flower sucked though and had no aroma / few trichs. Also shows common leaf ‘mutations’.


Beautiful plants but I would go with the non mutants, haha, either F2 or F3. Vinilluna is a strain that I remember looking into back in the day and wanted to grow. Is it the Blueberry in DJ’s gear that seems to put out more mutants than what are typically found in other strains?


Ya I’m not sure about that, could be. No idea if it’s due to the amount of inbreeding, colchicine or something else. DJ short put out an article on the subject a while back.

My memory is fuzzy and I lost my hard drive sadly containing all pictures and notes prior to 2010. I know one of the males I used was an extreme mutant and that may have even been used to make the F2s. It’s also POSSIBLE the f3s are not f3s and just F2 males crossed back to the F1 mom that I made the F2s with (which looked incredible with lots of red colors). I just labeled it F3 for simplicity sake after not remembering. I haven’t seen anything resembling the mom in the F2s or F3s yet. I tossed the majority of my chucks shortly after buying so much bodhi stock because the quality was much higher on average without compromising effects. I kept these 3 just for the weird traits in there.

I’ve done lots of various chucks with DJ’s stuff in the past and don’t remember much in the way of mutations in the out-crosses but I could be wrong. Plenty of mutants in the in-crossing though. BB F2 / F3s (F6/7) showed me the downsides of excessive inbreeding, especially with limited and poor (gambling) selection.

I remember thinking during my tests that the non-mutant line had the highest quality plants but I honestly don’t remember why that was… “Oh I’ll remember, no need to write it down”.

Edit also there will be mutants in the F2s I’m sure as well. You can see some leaf abnormalities in the one picture that I posted. The mut line will just occur at a high rate and be fairly extreme. Deformities, variegation, krinkle etc.


Haha yeah, me, too. I voted for the f2 just because I noticed the year 2008 on the label. That’s fifteen years ago haha!, probably might wanna plant those soon…


Just wanted to give a huge Thank You @syzygy!
The Eagle has landed and everything looks in perfect shape!
Looking forward to these, much appreciated!


That’s a relief to hear that 2 for 2 arrived without any crushed beans. I could have sworn I read somewhere that you shouldn’t use the softer hose washers for some reason so I was a bit concerned. Mostly because I didn’t want to re-ask for addresses and have to remake the flips, not that the seeds are valuable.


Thank you! Thank you! I really appreciate these.


Glad to see everyone’s birds will have samples available. Feeling pretty confident now at 3 for 3 uncrushed.
Also some Van F2s in paper towels, we’ll see if they pop. Just as backups in the rare and unlikely event there are mostly males.


Just recieved mine!!! Thanks again


Triple Sunshine A

Triple Sunshine C (probably)


Just finished trimming the last of the WD / TS c. Hope I’m not jinxing myself but this TS C is ridiculously loud. Really hoping it retains the odor and intensity into cure. Looking very promising at the moment.

Waking Dream

Triple Sunshine C - nauseatingly strong & offensive odor. Very sticky.

Was fairly easy to trim as well which was nice. Very frosty and sticky buds. Also really small but that’s OK with me because I don’t consume prodigious amounts and I vaporize.


They are both very beautiful flowers but I thought that Triple Sunshine C was a winner all along! Hoping that offensive odor sticks around for you.


Thanks! The vegetative traits made me think it was going to be the more impressive pheno as well, or at least ‘tk leaning’. No idea if it is or not. That’s part of what is also useful about live journal documenting this to me is that I initially wrote off A because of my excitement towards C and looking back on that is humbling and reminds me to chill and just wait and see. My early judgement and anticipation seems like it’s almost always wrong haha. May have just gotten lucky though on these 2 with both being quality plants possibly. I think most people would be disappointed though by how small the C buds are.

Interested to see how the 2 perform this go-around and with TS A unseeded. A definitely appears to be a much better candidate for SOG as the unvegged C plant is tiny. Weird too that C didn’t really start to stink until around day 70 and required agitation to reveal the odor. Definitely want to find a male for the fall or winter to F2 these + see other females.

I’m actually really interested to see what you find in the Black Triangles you’re running in your thread as well. I popped 1 pack in the fall or winter of 2021. Wish I kept better notes of that one. One of these days I want to go through another pack but so many things are ahead of it still.


Hell yeah, can’t wait to see the pictures you take of those, preferably with the black background though, haha, j/k.


Trimmed up beautifully. I really like the dark blood orange hairs on both WD/TS.C.

The stink report has me smiling. Fingers crossed it carries thru.


Sure here you go!

Also so everyone can see what I’m talking about with respect to A being a nice SOG plant, these were 12/12 from cutting. I did take off a few rows of lowers and probably should have taken the remaining lowers.

C left A right

Thanks and same. The Trip sun looks really good in person (but small). WD is a bit leafier than I like but am still happy with it.


:joy: too funny



I retract my previous statement, haha.


It still may be the best! Haven’t tested it yet. Even after testing I’m trying to reserve judgement until after this round is done (assuming it’s successful). C should be mostly unseeded this go around and probably isn’t fair to compare the flower to a heavily seeded A. Small buds / plants don’t bother me at all really as long as the flowers have traits I like.

In other news 4 out of 5 VN F2s have tails. I only wanted 2 but figured I wouldn’t get a good germination rate. Oh well.


Same here. As long all my boxes are checked:

Grows good, looks good, Intense/Enticing smell or aroma, Taste match smell, Lingering flavor on taste buds, Smooth smoke, Length of effects.

Funny how Black Triangle came up in discussion as It was next pack of Bodhi I was looking to acquire for a future project.

I wanted to find some 88g13/hp leaners, not familiar with TK so I’d have to look into traits and think of what I’d like from them. It would depend on how much pollen I can collect off the Affie #9 x Afghan Hashplant.