From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

I’d say odds are good that pretty much every single 88G13HP cross of Bodhi’s, you’re gonna find some dad-leaners as far as growth patterns are concerned. Doesn’t matter which cross you pick, you’re gonna find plants that grow way more like the dad than the mom. The high might lean more towards the female in the cross, but they’re gonna grow like the GHash male.

Interestingly enough, the couple Black Triangles I grew seemed less GHash-leaning than almost every other 88G13HP cross I’ve grown (with the exception of the Pure OG cross), both in plant morphology and smoke-wise. But those plants got seeded by something that hermed during that grow, so that could’ve had something to do with it, I dunno.


So you’re saying I have a chance :grin:

That makes sense of the dad having more dominant traits than the moms.

Very interested on how they grew/looked do you have any pictures on them?

I like kush but haven’t grew out a pure TK or 88G13hp to understand the plant. I assume the 88G13hp is slow in veg, a stout plant with a shorter flowering time. I hear TK could be a stretcher but no 100%.


True, could be interesting to see how the A and C both do with a longer veg time to see if the C increases in size compared to A or not.


When I culled C last go around it was unruly and growing into the lights in a 3Gal pot. I ended up replacing it with a 1Gal pot with minimal veg and it did OK. Still lower yield given how small the buds are but that really doesn’t matter to me. Viney and vigorous growth from what I’ve seen. A just seems to be one of those phenos that require no veg and can coast by on the stretch period alone.

Both appear to be relatively easy to trim. A seemed to have a better calyx to leaf ratio but that may be because the calyxes were so swollen from being seeded. I value ease of trimming over yield because I rarely run out of herb as is.

What kind of project? I know that one is a lot of peoples favorites or at least rated very highly. I thought it was good but there are other Bodhi crosses I’ve liked more. May have just been unlucky though.

I know that was directed at @minitiger but I believe in my trial I had 6 or 7 females in my pack and all but one were 88g13hp dominant. Potency was fairly high and tasted great. I think smell diminished on most of them pretty quickly in jars but I suspect I may have had covid during that time so grain of salt. I know when I grew out 2 of the phenos again to dust with Goji OG pollen my Devil’s Hashplant keeper was substantially louder and frostier. Wish I kept better notes but I sort of just have random folder dumps from 2018-2022 compared to how organized I was in the past. I’m still not very organized with my logging but at least posting it here helps a bit…

I know my first run of Black Triangle was partially seeded by something mysteriously as well. I just assumed it was Goji OG pollen floating around from making F2s the grow before that (despite spraying down the area with water). Don’t remember finding any nanners though and I discarded the seeds because there’s no way I’m ever going to be growing out mystery seeds like that.


All these were (intentionally) seeded by Goji OG

Space Monkey

Devil’s HP

Black Triangle

Plus SSDD & Goji OG of course. Don’t have high confidence in that Goji OG dad sadly so haven’t tried anything except Goji F2s yet.


More of a thought than a project really. Grow some out to find some contenders and pollenated with Affie #9 I collect this run. I was looking into a couple others before finding out about BT.

1 out of 7 females dang. Well at that rate it would take a couple packs to find a couple non 88g13hp dominant contenders. It might be better to use the 88g13hp dominance with Affie x Afghan Hashplant.
That Devils Hash plant sounds like a winner. Thats the Diablo OG right?

I guess I’m going for great washers for bubble hash but also great smoke too. All that said I probably will run out the rest of my Lazy Lightning pack to really see what’s in there.


Ya Diablo x 88g. My Devil’s HP pack was insanely slanted towards males. 9 males 3 females. The first female I tried had huge sweet buds that ended up having nanners on the undersides. One of the most disappointing plants I’ve gotten out of a pack from B.

The other 2 were nice though. I initially wasn’t blown away by my favorite but it slowly grew on me. Growing it out a few times more the results were much more impressive, especially that seed run w/ the goji pollen.

Here are copy pastes of my reviews from the time.

early review

Cured review

Devil’s Hashplant - final opinion @ full cure

This is really growing on me. I really didn’t think I’d end up liking it as much as I do. This makes me think of an old DJ Short comment when he described his method for selecting plants based on which jar emptied the quickest. I definitely find myself going for this near empty jar often. Doesn’t look like anything that special but tastes good, and has a great trance-like effect. It smells extremely strong when vaporized of church. Had a few people who don’t consume cannabis comment on the smell of church with no previous discussion on the topic. No clue which parent it’s getting that from but it’s really interesting. Both this and SSDD are great night time medicine but I’m thinking I might retire the SSDD mother for this based on consumption rate.

I still hold the opinion that I would prefer it to the SSDD mom for reasons I’ve noted countless times (too dreamy for how and when I can consume).


3:1 ratio oof. Although it was only 3 it looks like you made the best of it and then took it step further with the Goji OG pollen. The buds look great to me.

I haven’t heard that DJ Short comment before. That’s definitely a great way to select what to keep around. I always have to shuffle the jars to keep me from over doing it on the favorites haha.

Goji OG x Dhp love see a review on those ladies if you ran them already or in the future for sure.


Not really. The only GHash cross I’ve grown that I thought,”Gawd! What’s taking these so long?!?” were the Time Bandit plants; I assume that had more to do with the WiFi 43 mom than the dad, since none of the other hybrids seemed like they vegged slowly. But once I got the TB’s out of their starter pots and into half-gallons for vegging, they grew “normally.”

The GHash leaners will be stouter, but I don’t think they usually have a shorter flowering time. I guess it depends on what your idea of “short” is. I don’t think I’ve ever chopped any of them earlier than nine weeks, unless I had to because of aphids (chopped the BT’s on day 62 for that very reason).

Yeah, I’m not sure what hermed that round, but I’m certain it was my fault. We’d been quarantining for like a year+ at that point, I was drunk 24/7, one of our boxers had Cushing’s disease and was wasting away before our eyes, my mom’s memorial service was coming up (eighteen months after she’d died, couldn’t have it sooner because of fucking COVID)… It was just a bad time haha, not sure how much attention I was actually paying to the grow. Not a lot, obviously, since I ended up with a bunch of seeded flower haha.

I really think it just depends on the female used in the cross. Like I said, the two Imperial Majesties I grew were very Pure OG-dominant, but in general, it won’t be difficult to find GHash leaners, if that’s what you’re looking for.


All but 1 have confirmed receiving bird-seed cards.

@InTheWoods I can resend if needed but will give it a week. Can prob do a few more SSDD F2s while I still know where the hose washers and flips are if anyone missed out but wanted some. States only & for participants in this thread - having liked or commented on a post in this thread prior to June 15th)


I have hope! I usually am a day or 2 behind the rest of the list for some reason so I ain’t worried yet :slight_smile:


I was going to wait till the end of the week before reaching out. Still hopeful on arrival. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Told ya we had nothing to worry about :wink: beans just arrived!
Thanks again dude, appreciate you!


I’ll be happy to hoard a few of those for you :smiley: with the long term intention of popping some !


Dam ! Which one is the most fire in your personal opinion


Generous man would love to try the space monkey f2 or gfunk f2s. Happy to send you some blue tara f2s in return.


Ya definitely, don’t need beans though I do appreciate the offer! There’s enough left to fill a coinflip after just checking, I don’t need or want them though.

Mother (f1) of the Granola Funk F2 that I tested (I have F2s of the lavender pheno as well but that was a disappointment)

I tested 4 of the Granola Funk F2s - all were unique and turned purple. 2 stood out as the best, the other 2 produced larger flowers but weren’t as interesting to me. I didn’t notice any intersex traits in the F1s or F2s but YMMV. Random male was used.

There was something about the leaves of 1a as well - I think the serrations were real pronounced and tended to curve inward when nothing else would. Deficiency or environmental sensitivity? I have no idea.

My (1A) pheno was extremely photogenic and frosty. Terps could have been a bit better.

There was another cool pheno in the F2s that did have decent odor.

Space Monkey mom I’ve posted numerous times here, really interested to see if anything as good is in the F2s. No intersex issues in the F1s but who knows about the F2s. Random male was used.


So photogenic the granola funk sounds interesting haven’t grown anything gsc related want to at some point to see how I can do with it vs dispo a friend had some forum cut hash rosin that was pretty decent have heard nothing but praise about his snow monkey too


I heard in nspectas potcast that he really wanted to dislike it but had to admit he thinks the forum cut is really high quality herb. I’ve never tried it and only have a dispensary cookies cross + my granola funk as a references point as my experience with cookies. Not the biggest fan but I do really want to try the GSC x SSDD.

Would love to try some gsc stuff for ornamental purposes but that will never be a reality here haha.


I would be honored to try these 2 if possible. (I’m commited to doing Holy’s SSDD f2bx1 first though. So i would grow yours next year at earliest.)
I would be happy to trade for them. Let me know your favorite strains.
Thank you for your kind generosity to OG!