From SSeeDD to sail.. exploring SSDD, pollen chucks & Bodhi Crosses

Nahhhhh, you’ve got goals and ideas, right? Don’t you??? Haha.

True, I didn’t even think about that. I’d probably be doing the same thing right about now if I hadn’t come into a bunch of money a few years ago and wasn’t in a position to blow my wad on too many seeds haha.

Yeah, that’s why I’ve always thought it was kinda weird how people’d be making seeds with something that they’re running for the first time. I always figured that if I ever do get around to making some crosses, I’m definitely gonna use stuff that I’ve already grown and am a little familiar with, like the Apollo 11 and shit like that. At least on one side of the hybrid, male or female.

Yeah: don’t get aphids :joy::weary::joy::weary:

Mhm, I checked out his log this morning. I’m not interested in what’s being grown, but yes, you’re right, at least he’s logging shit and not just lurking on threads trying to scoop free seeds.

I hate those fuckers… haha!


Appreciate you stopping by to check out what I have going on. :sunglasses:


Ahh, I think the Lazy Lightning sounds pretty cool. I read one negative review on RIU and maybe a few other semi-decent reviews since then but it sounds like it could be pretty nice stuff to me. Loompa’s Headband x 88g13hp I believe. I actually almost bought it a few times because I have a friend who says he really loves headband. Got a cut of “headband” from him years ago but I’m almost positive it’s not what is commonly referred to as headband, loompas or otherwise.

So again from my perspective I was coming from the era where you had to mail cash, money order, or use some weird gift card / cc to order from Sbou with a good chance that something goes wrong ( including green tape possibilities ). Also had to find someone to agree to accept it. So let’s say you are excited about something you just paid 200$ a pack for, for instance original Blueberry - I’d just make “backups” by F2ing it before even testing it out. Wouldn’t keep the male but possibly females as backups as well. If it turns out a good population of the line resembles hemp or is otherwise unappealing that’s just the way things go when you roll the dice…

Ya, I want to keep exploring and trying different stuff without running out of options! I’m not working traits or anything like that, trying to isolate anything, or create uniformity in offspring. Just throwing shit at the wall and see if any cool patterns emerge.


Yeah, that’s the only thing in the most recent round of planting that caught my eye. I was mostly talking about the initial grow, with all that GPS gear. Fuck Gu.

Mhm, I have a pack of that Lazy Lightning, one of the few freebies I’ve gotten that I actually intend to grow. Headband’s for sure great weed, although it does have a bit of an “edge” to it. But you’re still smiling the whole time haha, kind of a weird high. Like, you’re paranoid but you don’t even care haha. I realize that doesn’t make any sense.

I got this UNREAL batch of it like twelve years ago, some of the most perfectly-grown and beautiful weed I’ve ever come across. It was so good that I quit buying it after that, just because every other Headband I’d look at afterwards paled in comparison.

Right, right, I wasn’t talking about 20 years ago. I was just thinking more along the lines of now or even in the last eight years or so, where there’s just sooooo many seeds available and nobody really has to worry about if the money’s gonna get there or if your order’s gonna get seized or whatever and everything shows up in like five days haha. And the breeders you’re ordering from will (usually) replace it if for some reason it doesn’t show up.

But for sure, back when every order was a crapshoot, I’d definitely be making my own seeds on the first run haha. I also think (but don’t know for certain, since I wasn’t there) that the seeds you were ordering 20 years ago were probably mostly all worth f2’ing, as opposed to now, where maybe not every seed is gonna turn out great.

But that’s still SOMETHING haha.


Don’t know who gps is and I think I’ve only seen the name Gu from some bodhi reviews on another site, not sure though. Never interacted with said individual.

Mine that a friend gave me looked “sativa” dominant and was really good for focus. I’m assuming it was sourced from a purchased seed, but it was a friend of a friend thing where getting accurate info was impossible.

I’ve gone through more breeder packs in the domestic seedbank era than before so I wouldn’t be the best judge of that. Also haven’t had a diverse sampling of all the breeders around back then or now even, but in my limited experience the quality on average is higher now. Then again it may just be breeders that I’m growing out now vs before.

Old habits become ingrained. Not trying to compare the experience of seed scarcity in the height of the drug war to the depression, but the great depression sculpted a lot of frugal and thrifty habits in people that persisted even when they could afford to live differently. It’s just too hard for me to shake, but I’m trying and slowly making progress haha. Plus it’s fun to play around with pollen for the creativity even if it’s not a skill based profession and only a hobby.

I’ve made a lot less seeds as everything has become more normalized. In the past 2 years I think I only made Goji F2s and now the SSDD F2s. I want to make TS F2s just for the rarity (since I can’t purchase or even trade for it) and then will probably start exploring more.

well then consider me a breeder!


My memory from those days as a mere consumer was that there was a lot of cliquey marketing going on in the form of condescending social pressure. REZ was probably one of the most obvious examples of this but many other breeders had similarities in how they conducted themselves and spread their wisdom.

It’s weird that with how freely clones are shared nowadays that very few of the genetics from the loudest voices at the time are treasured. There certainly was no shortage of seeds. Or maybe it’s not weird. I don’t think it could all be blamed on consumer demand for cookies because as they proclaim there is no mistaking the real deal when you see it and cuts through every elite imaginable.

Also remember that people would get chastised if they didn’t go through multiple packs to pheno hunt a variety they bought. I definitely agree that 1 pack is not enough to judge a line but there was no expectation of a keeper per pack back then. Plenty of legends of holy grail 2% phenos, and hopefully with legalization we start to see some of those clones creep into the community finally!

I think there are probably a lot fewer varieties around now that would fall into the ‘trippy, electric, paranoid inducing’ category compared with the late 90s and prior to my time. I also suspect those phenos would not win any double blind tests sampling for enjoyment or satisfaction. I see the benefits of those kinds of experiences but I’ve said it before - if you want a psychedelic there are equally safe and more effective options. To each their own though but seems a hilarious and contradictory position to take when belittling others preferences. Must be some real enlightening psychedelic herb they got…

I have some experience with DJs bb/vn and to my uneducated eyes there’s a lot of hemp to sort through in those lines. I have no idea if it’s crossed out to hemp or if through inbreeding it reverts back naturally… Not an area of expertise of mine. I do remember a lot of the VN crosses that I tested in 2015~ pressed out rosin that shattered like glass. VN is categorized as being calming, dreamy, and anti anxiety herb. I’ve wondered for some time now if there’s a high presence of some other cannabinoid like CBG.

I remember this comment from DirtWizard’s thread which makes me wonder.

The whole topic of quality is subjective and for me I like the trance inducing, calming, mellow herb. That kind of herb is abundant now and easy to find. Many of the varieties I’ve sampled from B do a better job at providing me those traits than the old genetics that were supposedly specifically bred for it (DJ), with the added bonus of higher overall quality plants…

end of rambling


Right. I wasn’t growing then, but I was definitely reading a lot and making mental notes. That kind of bullshit always rubbed me the wrong way (and still does), which is probably why I gravitated towards Bodhi’s gear exclusively for the first, like, four years when I finally was in a situation where I could grow.

I suspect that that has to do more with the asinine human inclination of,”What’s new??? What’s the newest, hype-est thing???” more than it does the cannabis that was being grown then. And that’s not even a cannabis-specific thing; it’s everywhere, all the time, with everything. “New new new, now now now, faster faster faster.”

It’s annoying haha. Let’s everybody just slooooowwww down a little bit, please.

I do think it’s interesting that you brought up Rez, though, considering his “Sour Diesel” seems to be making a comeback and being used in tons of new crosses, despite the fact that it was totally shit-on for like fifteen years. What happened there? Like, all of a sudden, Rez’s “Sour Diesel” is acceptable? It sucked back then and now it doesn’t?

Haha, yeah, that always makes me laugh, when I see these motherfuckers talking about the “real Haze” and how “enlightening” it is or whatever and they’re the biggest assholes on the internet.

Did you ever read that Grantland profile of DJ? He mentions that he has a sensitive heart and breeds with that in mind. I don’t think he mentions things like CBG, but it is an illuminating profile and one that made me think that I oughta maybe grow some of his gear.

But I never have haha.

Anyway, if you wanna read it, here it is: » The Willy Wonka of Pot


Ya same, plus no weird rules on making seeds with his stock or even plant descriptions. There was a pretty well known thread on IC where DJ was furious that REZ announced his intention to use his publicly available Blueberry mother in one of his crosses.

What are not acceptable are the unethical opportunists who attempt to commercially profit off of someone else’s work without their consent or authorization. Integrity means much to me and I simply will not allow some unscrupulous parasite to sully my reputation. In a fair and legal marketplace with a level playing field, legal recourse for such breaches of trademark, copyright, patent, branding and overall intellectual property rights would be dealt with commonly, quickly and thoroughly.

though I do agree with the next quote…

It never ceases to amaze me how charlatans with zero originality or integrity are able to dupe the gullible masses into a totally hype-induced marketing ploy.


Maybe to an extent but if the genetics were as good as people claim you’d think there would still be cuttings. I’ve never had Chem 91 but at least one thing you could say about it is that it’s obviously impressive enough in some way to have been held for 30+ years.

Haha ya. I assume it’s frustration with devoting their life to something that has no mass appeal but I could be wrong. I’d be open to trying it but am not going to hunt through 500 seeds, will wait for someone else to do that and put out cuttings.

I remember my friend and I were going to order TH haze on a restock in 08 or 09 from sbou but the description ultimately turned me away since money was tight. Also I had access to pan cyans and p. cubes at the time which I’m still sure are better psychedelic options than cannabis. His description of haze sounded like an advertisement for bath salts and airplane glue. I remember ojd’s sssdh (rez selection?) was being hyped a lot at the time as well.

“When I am requesting a clean-up on isle 9 due to my mind being split open, or am afraid to drive my car high on a decent sample (4 hours after smoking it) - all perspective is put in its proper place.”

“I’m almost afraid to release it, tehee, some of you will get so noided-out that you will shitcan your current IC accounts only to return a few weeks later under new handles after the Haze clears.”

“This plant is my holy grail, by far, nothing can touch it.”

Ya, it would have been cool to have had access to testing but I suppose it doesn’t really matter. Honestly the few times that I’ve tried alt-cannabinoid products coupled with THC they have reminded me a lot of the blue work. CBD / THC , CBN / THC specifically. Never had CBG yet, but that rosin quality does make me wonder.

Of course that isn’t so novel anymore with how abundant cannabinoid rich hemp is now…

edit forgot but while I’m fixing a typo : Also all birdseed cards have been sent out.


Vn F2 seedlings

Not Trip sun A - c or ssdd. likely c. Fungus gnat stuck on trichs.


Trying to mess around with camera a bit to see if I can get better clarity on the trichomes. Constantly impressed with the shots @iamyou_youareme gets with his camera and would love to get that level of clarity on mine. Still handheld but it seems like using manual focus is giving a bit better results than auto focus to me.

A - manual focus. Clarity seems good on the stem trich shot to me.


There’s actually quotes from that thread in the Grantland profile. I agree that it’s fucking asinine to get pissed about other people using “your” work; every breeder ever, in the history of breeding cannabis, has used somebody else’s work haha, including DJ Short. Although that thread could have stemmed from what you said:

Maybe not the “mass appeal” part, but for sure a “devoting their life to something, only to watch it fall into the hands of people like Rez” part. But if you’re gonna get mad about that, don’t sell seeds.

Or Skunk VA et al were just responsible enough to not lose that clone to unforeseen (or foreseen) disasters like mites, PM, police raids etc etc. I’m sure there are other people who’ve kept cuts around for decades, too. Coot’s mentioned keeping some cut of his around for that long. There are probably other old-timers hiding up in the hills, still growing shit from the 60’s/70’s, too. Maybe they’re just not very active on the grow forums haha…

That made me audibly chuckle haha. I’m definitely not sure what the appeal of smoking any strain that makes you feel like you’ve been up for three days tweaking is. If I wanted to feel like that, I’d just stay up for three days tweaking haha.

Something DJ mentions in that Grantland thing is that all of his old favs, the imported weed from the 70’s and shit, is that they were testing at seven-percent THC and I always wondered,”Where was he getting that weed tested?” haha. I mean, in the 70’s, you couldn’t just send shit in to your local testing place or whatever. How does he know it was 7% THC?

Anyway, it’s a good and quick read, worth checking out.

Plants look good, btw haha.


Ya the funny part to me is that with DJ specifically he was publicly taking that stance about the whole Blue Dream thing as well. Last time I checked JBC he is now selling a variety crossed with Blue Dream.


Ya for sure, but a lot of “elites” are just cycled out for different flavor of the month varieties. I guess my thinking is that if they were truly that much better they never would have gotten cycled out in the first place. Obviously this logic wouldn’t apply to commercial growers or people who vend what they grow.

Plus set aside the time and space to grow out hundreds of plants that flower over 100~ days. People do it though and I’d think if it was as special as they say it is there would be clones floating around as a backup strategy. Who would want to have to do that hunt multiple times…

Ya I skimmed through it to refresh my memory and I believe I’ve read it in the past too. The thing from that link that stands out to me of interest is

He used to make money almost exclusively by selling bud; he was a pot dealer, if an exalted one.

I have no real issue with that, most of us started out consuming cannabis that we purchased in the ‘traditional market’. I do think it’s important to keep in mind though. Everyone loves to shame the new wave of canna-entrepreneurs who were only able to appreciate the plant post legalization, but people selling drugs also have personality quirks worth scrutinizing. The stereotype of a used car salesmen seems like a moral & ethical exemplar in comparison.

I think one big change in cannabis is that people are a lot more comfortable critiquing now and that pierces through a lot of the hype.

Also Gnat with nikon and olympus
olympus still looks clearer

Nikon - cropped



Yikes! That gnat makes me wanna burn my phone


With the technology (tissue culture) and clone shipping methods we have now, there’s no reason for this dick measuring contest anymore with weed. If you have something that you think is good, prove it! Send it out in clone form to the world. I get some people like the hunt, I do to an extent… but I’m not hunting through 100 haze beans to try to find a 5% number, especially when I don’t even know what I would be looking for with drug type haze cannabis. There is a reason that Chem 91 is around to this day and growing in my garden though… it’s stood the test of moving through generations of smokers now, it’s effect is consistent… and people fuckin’ cherish it, so it’s worth the hassle of keeping.

Re: Dick Measuring contest… I think Haze/Piff is just the latest bandwagon to jump on. Hopefully it doesn’t become the next cookies.

If the shit is good, there’s plenty of ways to prove it these days. Stop hiding behind the keyboard with stories of uncle’s who don’t let the cut out, or can’t get the smoke into people’s hands, or get anyone to vouch for them. But… that’s just part of the sales tactic I think.

Yeah this shot is super clear… your manual lens is prime right? Are you using a tripod at all with the manual? What aperture?

Agree, the Olympus looks clearer on the subject (gnat), but you can see way more clarity in the background (trich heads) of the Nikon. Maybe playing around with a tripod and messing around with aperture will get you closer to your intended result with the Nikon? I usually use around F5-4 for the Macros, but sometimes open it up more to F10-15, depending on lighting, etc.


I find it funny in how DJ says “…the unauthorized use of these strain names or descriptions is strictly prohibited. Violators will, eventually, be held liable to the full extent of the law.” Yet he hasn’t registered legal trademark names of any of the strains he listed. I could go out today and buy/register a trademark for “Old Time Moonshine” if I wanted to.


Agree with this so much. There’s really no excuse now for that nonsense. Just skimmed through the haze thread earlier and see this back and forth already took place, going to read it thoroughly later haha…

amen… That’s part of why I’m really interested in what you think of all those clones you have access to. A relatively unbiased perspective without the emotional investment in the cuttings or any of that nonsense. If it’s good it will stand up to scrutiny on its own.

Ya 105mm prime. No tripod but I may try that out later. Aperture i use anywhere from 2.8 or whatever is widest for my lens and 16~. I’m using the default setting for Vibration Reduction : ON as well, may try disabling that whenever I test out my tripod.

Thanks for suggestions! Will try some tighter aperture shots for sure.

Haha ya, hopefully it was a moment of clarity that made him drop that pursuit.


Waking Dream test : tripod + remote shutter @ f18 - ISO-400 - 1/6sec - ambient light outside


Right, but, again, how much does that have to do with whether or not they’re “elite” and how much does it have to do with humans being stupid fucking humans and always looking for the Next Big Thing? I mean, even for myself, I’m constantly planting seeds, never keeping cuts, despite the fact that there are probably five or six plants that I reeeaallllyyyyy wish I woulda kept around, would’ve loved to share those with everybody. But I didn’t haha. Still miss ‘em…


But maybe there are and we just don’t know about it. I dunno haha.

I mean, I’ve sold weed as both a “private dealer” and a vendor to dispensaries. Sold other drugs, too. I don’t have any issue with people selling weed to make money (if they can actually make money doing that, more power to them; I never made anything more than enough to pay the power bill haha). Selling weed’s really no different than selling seeds.

But I understand your point haha.

It absolutely is. And it makes no sense, other than the whole,”What’s new?!? What’s new?!?” thing. You can’t tell me that people who were reeeeallllyyyy into GSC and all that bullshit are now reeeealllyyyy into “Hazes.” They’re completely different.

Unless it’s that thing that HST mentioned in …Las Vegas about,”It’s worth noting that psychedelics went out with Nixon and now reds and downers are in.” Except the opposite haha. Maybe people have just had enough with the boring-ass GSC-type stuff and wanna try something better. Who fucking knows?

It already has.

Yeah, that’s kinda funny. But I will never, ever, EVER criticize DJ. One, I’ve always enjoyed Blueberry and any of the other myriad Blueberry hybrids I’ve smoked. I’ve never blazed a Blueberry hybrid that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy. Kudos to him for that.

And two, he’s one of the very, very few growers/“weed writers” who can write coherently and even eloquently about weed. Do you know how rare that is? Most “weed writers” are fucking morons who can’t even punctuate or spell properly. I appreciate his writing even more than I appreciate his contributions to the cannabis gene pool.

Unless you’re just in it for the chuckles, don’t waste your time haha.


I’m sure quality plants were lost, I’ve lost some myself that I’ve been gifted in the past. I guess my point is that at the end of the day it still falls under the category of cannabis. They likely weren’t SO profoundly different and obviously superior that it’s all everyone would be consuming given the chance. Seems like if there’s another benefit that mass legalization could bring is to tone down the ridiculous hyperbole and hype in the culture.

Thinking of the haze stuff it seems obvious that preferences still come into play and people don’t always gravitate to the most potent or paranoia inducing experience, they usually seek to avoid that. Not that there aren’t people who do like it, it’s just not what everyone wants.

Ya I guess my point was about cuts from the breeders preaching the good word about their unrivaled genetics. It’s safe and legal for them to share the cuts in almost half the country now.

Ya I don’t either, maybe I’m just jaded by encounters with dishonest cannabis dealers. It did at least put him in a position to cycle through and sample a lot of different types of cannabis in his defense.

I agree the man has seriously contributed a lot and during a time when there was great risk in doing so. I’m of the opinion though that once he starts profiting off of it and has a business criticism is fair.


Nice mail call after work. My chickens will love these :joy:
Thanks again :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Since a few folks on this thread are Bodhi growers, please take a moment to VOTE on which 1 of 9 Hashplant fathered strains you’d like to get in a future OG F2 seed run. Thanks!